(December 16, 2011 at 5:33 pm)TheDarkestOfAngels Wrote: I believe I've heard that they've added language that would allow for being exempt from this rule if you're an American citizen.
You're fucking wrong, DOA. The military detention bill allows for anyone within a declared war zone to be detained indefinitely, citizen or not (caveat: that is, if a war zone is declared domestically. Non-citizens everywhere though are shafted).
It's the motherfucking section 1031. (Funny enough, if a citizen is captured abroad, THEN the "exemption" applies)
Read about it from a real lawyer:
The Volokh Conspiracy has a write up using the above:
The amendment to correct that failed to take hold.
The fucking fascists finally did it; and our fucking president rolled over and took it.
National Defense Authorization Act aka Enabling Act 2.0 is online.
Fuck you Mr. Obama.
If an asteroid were to land on you tomorrow, I would rejoice.
Because I have no more patience for supposed "allies" who really turn out to stab you in the back.
And you, shit sir, have stabbed me and your core constituents in the back.
We'll vote for you, perhaps, but the second we find a better deal, you're out on the curb with the garbage.
Slave to the Patriarchy no more