Complaints and Grievances
December 22, 2011 at 6:23 pm
(This post was last modified: December 22, 2011 at 6:23 pm by Erinome.)

What's pissing everyone off lately? Get it out!
Christmas. It is what it is, but I have all xtian friends, and they really get into it. They're spending all their money on needless bullshit, and then asking me to borrow more so they can pay their bills. Fuck off. Why should their lack of planning constitute my emergency? Why don't you go ask Jesus for some money to pay your water bill?
My sister. She's such an ungrateful little cunt! Bent over backwards, and for years was the only real support she had, and how does she repay me? By being shitty to me at our family party! Mumbling under her breath about my outfit, and hair, and rolling her eyes at everything I said- most of it being benign small-talk. Fucking hoe. I guess that's what I get for breaking my back to support her, when everyone else was caught up in their own lives!
The fact that Hillary Clinton is not the president of the United States. Been thinking about it lately, and it really fucking bothers me.
The dude I'm seeing made fun of my skin color, saying I was too pale, and asked if I'd considered tanning beds. If I could tan, motherfucker, I would never in a million years fork over money to lay in a slow cooker to fit your standards for attractiveness. Barf. If you would rather screw a tan girl, then why do you keep calling the pale one back?
Um. I have more, but that's all for now.
Now what's pissing you off? Anything?