I....FUCKING...LOVED that episode where he keeps having hallucinations.
5 million out of 5 stars lol.
You know Leo...that video would, perhaps, also be relevant to WWLD's thread - 'Is perception reality?' - discussing about what is and isn't real - like House is in the vid.
"define real", etc, etc.
And perhaps there would be no harm having it have its own thread in videos too? Cos when a video is part of the OP it doesn't get lost (trail off) in the thread later on
Good enough vid for it's own thread. - but indeed relevant to that one.
2 words: House PWNZ
5 more words: Hugh Laurie PWNZ Even More.
(than just the character, wouldn't be the same without Hugh, and he's a genius).
5 million out of 5 stars lol.
You know Leo...that video would, perhaps, also be relevant to WWLD's thread - 'Is perception reality?' - discussing about what is and isn't real - like House is in the vid.
"define real", etc, etc.
And perhaps there would be no harm having it have its own thread in videos too? Cos when a video is part of the OP it doesn't get lost (trail off) in the thread later on

Good enough vid for it's own thread. - but indeed relevant to that one.
2 words: House PWNZ
5 more words: Hugh Laurie PWNZ Even More.
(than just the character, wouldn't be the same without Hugh, and he's a genius).