I know I posted this in humor, but dont let it fool you. The people who posted this material are VERY serious about their claims
Other highlights include:
The usual claims that you can only be patriotic if you are right wing conservative capitalist. That Bush didnt cause the recession (it was a mixture of liberals and rino's that did it). That you cant support the troops but oppose which war they are in. Yadda yadda yadda
Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.
I will keep you all up to date on Conservapedia as time goes by.
I know I posted this in humor, but dont let it fool you. The people who posted this material are VERY serious about their claims
Quote:Liberal myths are heavily promoted falsehoods motivated by a destructive belief system
Liberal beliefs:[1] They include:
The claim that regulations create jobs.
The claim that environmental regulation saves lives.
The claim that “The failed economic policies of George W. Bush" caused the recession and high unemployment. [2]
The claim that unemployment benefits stimulate the economy. [3]
The claim that Democrats lost the 2010 Midterm elections because Barack Obama was not liberal enough.
The claim that Animals make a conscience choice to be gay.
The claim that Early American Pilgrims were illegal immigrants.[4] No government or immigration laws were in existence at the time.
The claim that human beings are beginning to overpopulate. (This myth is used as an attempt to justify abortion and anthropogenic global warming)
The claim that people today are more knowledgeable than in prior centuries.
The claim that the Bush tax cuts substantially reduced 2006 revenues and expanded the budget deficit.
The claim that the Bush tax cuts have not helped the economy.
Anthropogenic Global Warming. [5]
The claim that a fetus is not a living person.
The claim the embryonic stem cells will provide many cures. Unlike adult stem cells, embryonic cells have provided no known cures.
The claim that gun control reduces crime.
The claim that abortion and breast cancer are unrelated.
The claim that abortion and mental depression are unrelated.
The claim that gambling financially benefits state school systems [6]
The claim to support the rights of women, never mention the oppressed women in Muslim countries. [7]
The claim that the media is not biased toward the liberal agenda.
The claim that enabling oil drilling will not reduce long-term energy prices. [8]
The claim that enabling oil drilling will not provide energy security.[9]
The claim that same-sex couple adoptions can replace the love from a mother and a father. [10]
The claim that an individuals sexual preference needs to be a protected civil right. [11]
That there is a vast right-wing conspiracy [12]
The claim that opposing the homosexual agenda is bigotry. [13]
The claim that the US acted unilaterally in Iraq (The USA and Britain led a 30-nation coalition in Iraq)[14]
The claim that President Bush stole the 2000 elections. [15]
The claim that President Bush lied about WMD in Iraq to grab oil.
The claim that Saddam Hussein was not seeking to buy yellowcake Uranium. [16]
The claim that the 9/11 terrorists attacks were an inside job by the USA.
The claim that Foreign Intelligence & Surveillance Act (FISA) is for spying on Americans. [17]
The claim that big government will benefit its' citizens. [18]
The claim that military recruits are poor and uneducated. [19] [20] [21]
The claim that government run healthcare is better than a capitalist healthcare system. [22]
They claim that going on the offense against terrorists creates more terrorists. [23]
They claim that terrorism should be handled by law enforcement. [24] [25]
They claim that the USA should negotiate with rogue nations and terror groups.
They claim that socialism is superior to capitalism.
They claim that there is a gene which causes people to be gay, despite the fact that the scientific community rejects this view
They claim that humans and apes have a common ancestor
They claim that the death penalty does not deter crime, despite the overwhelming evidence showing that the death penalty does deter crime
They claim that atheists are just as moral as Christians who regularly go to a church, or, in some cases, claim atheists are morally superior.
They claim that all religions teach the same thing.
They claim that intelligent design is not a science and has no evidence.
They claim that no climatologist or physicist rejects global warming, despite the fact that the founder of The Weather Channel rejects global warming, as do thousands of other scientists.
They claim Hitler was a Catholic.
They claim opposition to Obama is racism.
They claim the general welfare clause in the Constitution gives government the right to force you to buy government-run healthcare.
They claim Jesus was the first socialist.
They claim affirmative action works.
They claim the Old Testament is immoral.
They claim that the Jews aren't the Jews of the Bible.
They claim that feminism has no bias.
They claim homosexuals do not try to convert heterosexuals.
They claim that gay marriage will not result in polygamy also being written into law.
They claim that the Bible is fictional.
They claim that Liberal Christianity is compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
They claim that proper tire inflation can replace the need for additional oil drilling.
That we should eat less red meat in order to combat climate change.[26]
They claim Jesus was a liberal, or that Jesus was left-wing[27].
The claim that the Nation of Islam is unrelated to Islam the religion.
The claim that portable school vouchers would destroy public schools, yet send their own children to private schools.
The claim that if you are pro-life, you don't care about people after they're born. [28]
The claim that more black people died in wars of America than in abortion. 1,786 blacks are killed daily by abortion, one of two pregnant women will be suckered into pro-choice genocide. [1]
The claim that renaming War on Terror to Overseas Contingency Operation will reduce the threats facing America.
The claim to cutback our country's missile defenses will some how make us more secure than we were.
The claim that the nation will go bankrupt if we don't spend more tax dollars.
We as a nation must switch to unproven technologies for the environments sake, such as wind or solar power. Yet, proven clean energy generated by nuclear power is not an option.
The claim that you are not pro-life if you are pro-gun.
The claim that guns are responsible for deaths. (by that same logic, pencils are responsible for misspelled words.)
The claim that 47 million Americans don't have health insurance. (Actual number is between 10 and 15 million) [29]
The claim that homosexuality cannot be overcome by therapy and prayer.
The claim that homosexuality is inherent to a person's biology and not a choice of lifestyle.
The claim that higher income earners in America aren't paying their "fair share".
Other highlights include:
Quote:Those liberals that use the myth and regularly bash the USA are often called the "Blame America First" crowd. Though they never seem to mention that America gives more in donations, in total dollars, than any other country on Earth. [35] A sure way to change America's image in the world is to show the world we respect life. The repeal of Roe Vs. Wade would be a start.
Reasons why America was hated prior to 2003 include wealth, women's rights, support for our democratic ally Israel, democratic government, capitalist economy and exporting immorality.
The usual claims that you can only be patriotic if you are right wing conservative capitalist. That Bush didnt cause the recession (it was a mixture of liberals and rino's that did it). That you cant support the troops but oppose which war they are in. Yadda yadda yadda
Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.
I will keep you all up to date on Conservapedia as time goes by.