Hi All,
Checking in from the Home of the Good Life, the land of Flat Water, Husker Nation, or whatever else you want to call the great state of Nebraska
I'm an atheist in the strict sense of the word: I don't believe in god. As I'm sure is true for most of you, I get really tired of theists not understanding the word atheism and assuming that I proclaim with 100% certainty that god doesn't exist. As a result, I often identify myself as an Agnostic Atheist.
I stumbled across this forum while reading up on topics that have come up in a thread titled "Do you believe in God?" on a site called GTPlanet, a fansite for the Gran Turismo video games. This thread has gone on for quite some time, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed taking part in the debate. (BTW, there is a guy posting in that thread with the same username that I've used for this site, it's not me).
Anyways, my favorite answer to a lot of the tough questions that come up in such debates is "I don't know." I say it a lot, because even though I'm a fairly intelligent and logical person, there is a lot that I don't know. Filling in the gaps of my knowledge with "god did it" is something I used to do. Thankfully, I no longer find that acceptable.
I hope that this site contains a lot of intense and meaningful debate, but I hope that it does so without hate or malice. I'm frankly turned off by atheists who automatically view theists as stupid, ignorant, arrogant, etc. As I said, I used to be Christian, and I don't think I was stupid, I just hadn't had a chance to learn and mature yet. I like to give other people the benefit of the doubt that they, too, are on a personal journey that will one day lead to truth. Anyways, enough rambling.
Hello everyone!
Checking in from the Home of the Good Life, the land of Flat Water, Husker Nation, or whatever else you want to call the great state of Nebraska

I'm an atheist in the strict sense of the word: I don't believe in god. As I'm sure is true for most of you, I get really tired of theists not understanding the word atheism and assuming that I proclaim with 100% certainty that god doesn't exist. As a result, I often identify myself as an Agnostic Atheist.
I stumbled across this forum while reading up on topics that have come up in a thread titled "Do you believe in God?" on a site called GTPlanet, a fansite for the Gran Turismo video games. This thread has gone on for quite some time, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed taking part in the debate. (BTW, there is a guy posting in that thread with the same username that I've used for this site, it's not me).
Anyways, my favorite answer to a lot of the tough questions that come up in such debates is "I don't know." I say it a lot, because even though I'm a fairly intelligent and logical person, there is a lot that I don't know. Filling in the gaps of my knowledge with "god did it" is something I used to do. Thankfully, I no longer find that acceptable.
I hope that this site contains a lot of intense and meaningful debate, but I hope that it does so without hate or malice. I'm frankly turned off by atheists who automatically view theists as stupid, ignorant, arrogant, etc. As I said, I used to be Christian, and I don't think I was stupid, I just hadn't had a chance to learn and mature yet. I like to give other people the benefit of the doubt that they, too, are on a personal journey that will one day lead to truth. Anyways, enough rambling.
Hello everyone!