I was disgusted and outraged last week when I read that the police in the Somerset and Avon area of south west England had intoduced the headscarf for women police officers. It is another step towards dhimmitude, in otherwords second class citizenship for non muslims in their own country. Whoever decided that this was a good idea, to 'reinforce community relations' or some other bullshit reason, should be sacked from their job(s) immediately and the headscarf burned in public. Here is another example of niaive simple minded people thinking that by ingratiating themselves with the local muslims they will gain their respect. It will not. Indeed it will have exactly the opposite effect! What will be the next silly idea of these politically correct morons? Chopping off hands for stealing or stoning women accused of showing too much leg? Apparently the local muslim leaders said that it brought a smile to their faces (and perhaps a snigger at how stupid these English people are). The sad fact is that most of the muslims in Britain probably couldnt care less whether non muslim women cover themselves up or not - they probably like the idea of seeing women dressing normally and not covered in by a black bag that makes them look like a guinness bottle. It is those scumbags who hope to gain some kind of career or political advantage who should packed off to Iran or Saudi Arabia to experience the full 'wonders' of islam.
Note: I consciously use the lower case for islam and muslims or indeed any other cookoo religious twaddle. They dont deserve to be capitalised!! Or am I being petty - I hope so!!
Note: I consciously use the lower case for islam and muslims or indeed any other cookoo religious twaddle. They dont deserve to be capitalised!! Or am I being petty - I hope so!!