RE: The 10 Hour Challenge!
January 2, 2013 at 1:35 pm
@Neko - I don't know who "Zen" is. I'd assume it's cato123, but that's only a guess. But you're missing the point. It's not that I've endured (or whatever) a "paltry 10 hours" of anything. You're misreading what this post is about. So I'll assume that's where your hostility comes from. Because you might understand we're actually on the same side if you reread it, , particularly with your "tired of it" remark. Unless you're saying it's simply a contest of who's put up with it longer, which would explain why you dismissed my alleged "10 hours."
Tiberius - To be clear, the goal would be to get open-minded theists to watch atheist speeches, so basically what you've done in reverse. And it'd only be those who volunteer, who'd know in advance what they're getting themselves into. So clearly, not everyone would want to do it. That's fine.
Whateverist - What would be an example of activating for secular discussion in government that would be so different from doing it to those not in government? Or an example in general? Not quite sure what you have in mind there, and why there's separation in your interest to promote atheist values.
CapnAwesome Wrote:Ever take a good look at youtube comments? That is the intelligence of average people. They aren't going to understand physics lectures.
I'd suggest that if we want
average intelligence, then a cursory glance would be better than cherry picking a "good" look. And really, it depends on the videos you're watching (the Minute Physics channel comes to mind). And that's a poor sample, because most of the comments on youtube are probably from a younger audience, so it wouldn't quite be fair to generalize it to all people. But again, this is aimed at people who are willing to be challenged, either because they're confident in their beliefs and don't feel worried, or because they're skeptical and interested. So regardless of the educational background, the videos selected for the playlist would be the best articulated at making our arguments. Maybe it'd be too deep for some and they wouldn't fully get it. But I don't expect to have 100% success.
And as I mentioned earlier, the motivating reason I care whether others are atheists is because their religious values interfere with the political discourse (and strongly determine who a party/people might vote for) in the United States. If they were deists, I wouldn't mind.
Brian - Well said. That's basically precisely how I feel.
Minimalist - Ha, true. But then, that's never prevented them from believing anyways, so I think it takes more than that to convince them. And besides, they could still possibly argue that a god was behind the big bang, and then let the rest go into natural motion (deist). Not that there's support for that either, but at least it doesn't directly contradict what we know about the natural world. But they know there's no direct support. They hide behind the definition of faith. But I think these speeches make a strong case at having them re-analyze their beliefs.
@Everyone in general - I think maybe this idea would have been less contentious if I had just asked for the best atheist youtube videos, and I could have created a playlist from that anyways. Regardless of the motivations, that's the gist of what I'm asking for. Obviously I'd eventually want it more professional than that. But I don't quite understand why there's some aggressive push-back against this. What kinds of activist ideas are supported?