Some of you may have noticed the new "Thumb Up" icon - - under each post (next to "Reply"). This is a new trial feature that we are testing to see if it takes. By clicking the icon, you "recommend" the post, and your name goes into a list of people who have recommended the same post.
The idea of the feature is to act like a reputation system, but for posts. This way, you can give multiple reps to the same person if you like their posts. The number of recommendations a post has is listed under the post itself, and the total number a person has gained is in their profile.
After you make the recommendation, the icon turns to a "thumb down" icon - - and clicking this (you guessed it) removes your recommendation.
So please leave feedback on this system, and we will see if it takes.
The idea of the feature is to act like a reputation system, but for posts. This way, you can give multiple reps to the same person if you like their posts. The number of recommendations a post has is listed under the post itself, and the total number a person has gained is in their profile.
After you make the recommendation, the icon turns to a "thumb down" icon - - and clicking this (you guessed it) removes your recommendation.
So please leave feedback on this system, and we will see if it takes.