I have recently posted a link to an article on the drugwar, which especialy focused on cocain, it`s production, distribution, economics and the overall impact it had especialy on sociaties in south america.
The article is a part of a series which my favorite german journal "Der Spiegel" is publishing.
This weeks edition featured an article about a DEA agent in El Paso - Texas and how the drug war in Mexico is turning the police into criminals and how it overal causes instability in the region:
It also features an interview with harvard professor for economics Jeffry Miron, who is a long time advocate of legalisation:
Next weeks edition will feature an article on west africa and how it has in recent years turned into the main rute for trafficing drugs into Europe.
As soon as the article has been translated into english I will post the link.
The article is a part of a series which my favorite german journal "Der Spiegel" is publishing.
This weeks edition featured an article about a DEA agent in El Paso - Texas and how the drug war in Mexico is turning the police into criminals and how it overal causes instability in the region:
It also features an interview with harvard professor for economics Jeffry Miron, who is a long time advocate of legalisation:
Next weeks edition will feature an article on west africa and how it has in recent years turned into the main rute for trafficing drugs into Europe.
As soon as the article has been translated into english I will post the link.