In the early 1970’s there were several applications of QFT to GR, the most famous one was done by Hawking in which he derived that a Black Hole has entropy proportional to its area. A less famous, but equally important, is the Unruh Effect. What’s interesting is that this has certain parallel with Einstein derivation of E = mc2. In both cases, there is the use of two observers; in Einstein case, one is in motion relative to the other; in the Unruh case, one is accelerating with respect to the other. Secondly, Einstein calculated the total and kinetic energy for each of the observer, and concluded the only thing that made sense was that a decaying particle must lose mass to the equivalent of E = mc2. On the other hand, Unruh calculated the vacuum energy of each observer, and concluded that the accelerating vacuum energy would radiate as a black body, and its temperature would be proportional to its acceleration.