And yet the very word 'humanity' is singular. Weird. Guess my understanding of singular is wonky.
Mehmet, I'm no optimist, but I do know when a person chooses to only see the differences in people, only differences will he see. As long as you and others insist that this is truth, well, humanity is likely boned. I can acknowledge differences all day long and still see that we're all interconnected in various ways. It doesn't take a homogenization to make it happen, either...just a shift in focus. The differences we have should only make life interesting...not insufferable.
Mehmet, I'm no optimist, but I do know when a person chooses to only see the differences in people, only differences will he see. As long as you and others insist that this is truth, well, humanity is likely boned. I can acknowledge differences all day long and still see that we're all interconnected in various ways. It doesn't take a homogenization to make it happen, either...just a shift in focus. The differences we have should only make life interesting...not insufferable.