I'll answer it here then... I thought I'd already explained it though... and considering how weary I am... I may not explain it right

But I'll be sure to clarify after I get some sleep
"In the many choices I make... but once am i a philosopher... a mere twice am i a criminal."-Saerules
Simply, my decisions are sometimes based solely upon one reason... But in general... my reasons for deciding upon a point are a mix of several reason. It is rare that I choose solely out of self-interest... and twice as rare that I choose solely to help out another. These three quotes make up a core third of my entire philosophy

To use a metaphor in description: Reality is a bit like a blender.
"With such a vibrant reflection... I can be no single shade."-Saerules
Just like the first one, this one states that I cannot be pure Vice, nor pure Virtue, nor pure anything but myself. Basically I paint a metaphor of the Identity's Equality (which I can explain if you'd like). I also go further, in that I state that my own Identity cannot be simply Vice or Virtue... but is always a mix between a number of traits. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night... so I feel that I might be missing something here

Please remind me by telling me what is unclear.
"The Vice and the Virtue are not the only extremes in my life...
and never could they live alone within me."-Saerules
I wrote a paper on Vice and Virtue a year ago (in which time I've come to refute one of my points in the paper, and need to rectify it), which I'll post tonight for you if you'd like. It's the paper got me into graduation level writing
The one thing that has changed in this paper for me... is the italicized... for I recognize the fact that neither vices nor virtues can live without the other.

More explanations on this upon request.
I'm not trying to single you out, fr0d0... and I don't ever expect that everyone will understand everything I ever say... and I don't even think you are being unreasonable. I just want to know which instances you are referring to.
Glad to hear I don't post over your head

But I don't know what you mean by meaningless comment rather than engage in the sport of point scoring or taking a piss...? How do you mean by that?