Greetings ladies, gentlemen and plastic robots. My name is Tom and I live in Kansas which is right there at the heart of America and right above the bible belt. But you can just call me ToriJ or Tori.
Living in Kansas you could probably guess I had a religious upbringing. You can't spit in this place without hitting some sect of Christianity. I was brought up in a pentecostal church before we moved to a baptist church that was closer to where we live so we saved money on gas. The music and singing was kind of a downgrade, but what can you do?
I used to be a hardcore Christian, witnessing to gay people about how being gay was wrong. That went about as well as you'd expect. I was fifteen at the time so naturally I thought I knew everything. Funnily enough even my pastor told me it wasn't a good idea to bring up their sexuality if you knew they were gay while witnessing to them. In recent years I mellowed out a lot and am proud to say I am in full support of LGBT rights and hope that soon Marriage Equality is achieved throughout the country.
Funny story how I ended up here. I remembered what one of my friends said about atheists annoying him and then wonder what would come up if I typed in, "Atheists are annoying." Read an article on telegraphs co UK's blog, which then led me to a counter point from Friendly Atheist, which then led me to a YouTube video highlighting all the crazy things in Genesis, which led me to self doubt, which led me here.
In the past couple of years my spirituality isn't as strong as it used to be. The core beliefs that I was raised with as a kid are still rooted to the back of my mind, but whenever I think things through logically said spirituality decreases, but still has a presence. I feel like I'm in a kind of purgatory between theism and atheism if that makes any sense. I'm just in need of a community where I can find my footing and not be afraid of being attacked for my doubts (insert Doubting Thomas joke here) and an atheist forum just felt like the most logical conclusion. I look forward to getting to know you all.
Living in Kansas you could probably guess I had a religious upbringing. You can't spit in this place without hitting some sect of Christianity. I was brought up in a pentecostal church before we moved to a baptist church that was closer to where we live so we saved money on gas. The music and singing was kind of a downgrade, but what can you do?
I used to be a hardcore Christian, witnessing to gay people about how being gay was wrong. That went about as well as you'd expect. I was fifteen at the time so naturally I thought I knew everything. Funnily enough even my pastor told me it wasn't a good idea to bring up their sexuality if you knew they were gay while witnessing to them. In recent years I mellowed out a lot and am proud to say I am in full support of LGBT rights and hope that soon Marriage Equality is achieved throughout the country.
Funny story how I ended up here. I remembered what one of my friends said about atheists annoying him and then wonder what would come up if I typed in, "Atheists are annoying." Read an article on telegraphs co UK's blog, which then led me to a counter point from Friendly Atheist, which then led me to a YouTube video highlighting all the crazy things in Genesis, which led me to self doubt, which led me here.
In the past couple of years my spirituality isn't as strong as it used to be. The core beliefs that I was raised with as a kid are still rooted to the back of my mind, but whenever I think things through logically said spirituality decreases, but still has a presence. I feel like I'm in a kind of purgatory between theism and atheism if that makes any sense. I'm just in need of a community where I can find my footing and not be afraid of being attacked for my doubts (insert Doubting Thomas joke here) and an atheist forum just felt like the most logical conclusion. I look forward to getting to know you all.