Despite the fact that this is a horribly unfair question since I, nor do all Christians, look to the people you listed as leaders:
Look into the saints.
Francis of Assisi is a good place to start.
St. Augustine was an atheist before he became a father of the Church.
St. Aquinas was and still is a major voice in theological philosophy and the use of reason within in the faith.
I KNOW that you KNOW that the media focuses on entertaining stories, not the worthwhile ones, but there are a lot of good people who get NO attention from the news that are Christian. Just because you do not see news reports on them every night does NOT mean that they are not out there. There are several Dominicans at the parish I used to attend who are very busy all day with charity work and working with the homeless and my local priest right now, along with the deacon both have dedicated their lives to the community, including collecting food for the hungry, visiting those in jail or the hospital, and organizing community events.
Like I said, it is fine if you are angry, but you really need to work on your world view. I do not believe all atheists to be baby eating neanderthal ass holes with no morals or self-respect. The world is bigger and more complicated than that!
Look into the saints.
Francis of Assisi is a good place to start.
St. Augustine was an atheist before he became a father of the Church.
St. Aquinas was and still is a major voice in theological philosophy and the use of reason within in the faith.
I KNOW that you KNOW that the media focuses on entertaining stories, not the worthwhile ones, but there are a lot of good people who get NO attention from the news that are Christian. Just because you do not see news reports on them every night does NOT mean that they are not out there. There are several Dominicans at the parish I used to attend who are very busy all day with charity work and working with the homeless and my local priest right now, along with the deacon both have dedicated their lives to the community, including collecting food for the hungry, visiting those in jail or the hospital, and organizing community events.
Like I said, it is fine if you are angry, but you really need to work on your world view. I do not believe all atheists to be baby eating neanderthal ass holes with no morals or self-respect. The world is bigger and more complicated than that!
". . . let the atheists themselves choose a god. They will find only one divinity who ever uttered their isolation; only one religion in which God seemed for an instant to be an atheist." -G. K. Chesterton