RE: Christian = Republican?
December 11, 2013 at 12:31 pm
(December 10, 2013 at 4:04 pm)Drich Wrote: Swords were the assault weapons of the day. Jesus was not always against their use. luke 22: 36 Jesus said to them, “But now if you have money or a bag, carry that with you. If you don’t have a sword, sell your coat and buy one.
You're about as stereotypical christian as they come. I bet you own and probably even carry guns daily don't you? That's the one and only passage that get's brought up every single time a Christian has to defend why they think they need an assault rifle. I'm a gun lover too... I hear christians drag it up all the time.
Let me ask you. You think Jesus was pro-violence? Do you think arming people and preparing for battle is consistent with his philosophy as a whole? To turn the other cheek, pray for those that would seek to do you harm, If someone forces you to carry their pack a mile... carry it two miles, to be forgiving? Can you find any other single piece of scripture where Jesus advocates taking up weapons and fighting people? Jesus seemed almost frustrated at his followers when they quickly said "We have two swords." and said "That is enough!". And when they went to use those swords he stopped them and healed the soldier they wounded. Jesus was famous for speaking in riddles. He was earlier talking about how his men never wanted for anything when he sent them out. No need for a purse or provisions. But now (just before his death) it is time to take a purse and even a sword. I don't think Jesus was advocating carrying weapons. I think he was saying that now was the time that they were going to have to do without him. That he wouldn't be there to shield them anymore. Not to take up arms... but to arm themselves against a spiritually dark world that would seek to destroy them. To prepare for the loss of their teacher.
But you read it however you want. You guys are famous for saying "This passage is literal cause it says what I like... but that passage is symbolic cause it doesn't."
Quote:Jesus never once tasked the goverment to feed or cloth anyone. It is our task to carry that burden on us as indivisuals.
He also said to give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to sell everything you have and give it to the poor. How's that workin out for ya? Or do you only follow the teachings that help you maintain your chosen lifestyle?
Quote:Inorder to cut taxes and put money back into the pockets of the people the goverment serves inorder so they may give as we have been tasked.
Most wouldn't though. They'd stock pile it for themselves. Statistically speaking most Americans live in some kind of debt and manage their money poorly.
Quote: Pro Gay marriage, abortion, and a general over douchieness.. No i think not. 
Jesus himself never spoke out against homosexuals. Paul did, claiming inspiration from dead jew zombie jesus. But Jesus never said a word about homosexuals. And you guys love ignoring the rest of the Mosaic laws when it suits you. When was the last time you wore clothing made of more than one material? Or ate some shellfish?
Quote:Honestly i don't think He would have been either. For in his day He was neither for Rome nor for the theocratic rule of the Jewish state.
That's because his ambition was to be king himself. That's why they crucified him. It was a punishment set aside almost exclusively for sedition in the Roman Empire. The greek word Listis (ληστής) means Bandit... not thief. Listis were insurrectionists. People that threatened the power of Rome. They weren't joking when they labeled him "King of the Jews". That wasn't an insult. That was his crime.