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kuriako2000: Hru?
littlegrimlin1: hmm... hello, made a new user name i see?
kuriako2000: r u happy?
littlegrimlin1: yep
kuriako2000: r u born again?
littlegrimlin1: no
kuriako2000: why? u want to go to hell?
littlegrimlin1: hell doesnt exist
kuriako2000: is there heaven?
littlegrimlin1: no
littlegrimlin1: im atheist
kuriako2000: r u living or dead??lol
littlegrimlin1: i happy with the real life
littlegrimlin1: im*
kuriako2000: ok
kuriako2000: why u say no God? is there any proof?
kuriako2000: latest proof?
littlegrimlin1: exactly, there is no proof for god
littlegrimlin1: we dont have to disprove it
kuriako2000: for its existence and for nonexistence??
littlegrimlin1: you are the one making the claim that god exists... we simply dont have to believe it
littlegrimlin1: untill you provide proof
kuriako2000: who made u?
littlegrimlin1: ah this question again
littlegrimlin1: my mom
kuriako2000: how?
littlegrimlin1: by reproducing
kuriako2000: ok
kuriako2000: who gave u moral principles in lfe?
kuriako2000: or u dont have it?
littlegrimlin1: morals dont come from religion
kuriako2000: it comes from God
littlegrimlin1: but some religions have thier own set of morals
littlegrimlin1: humans have a man made set of morals
kuriako2000: morals and morality is diiferent
littlegrimlin1: no
littlegrimlin1: morality is the state of being moral
kuriako2000: it has something morte.. morals can be different in each culture... Morality deals with the ethics and all.
littlegrimlin1: yeah
kuriako2000: ur good conscience is the product of God.. and bad conscience is product of devil
kuriako2000: did u ever do bible?
littlegrimlin1: ive read it yes
kuriako2000: did u ever read Bible?
littlegrimlin1: thats why im atheist, because ive read it
kuriako2000: good
littlegrimlin1: yes very good
kuriako2000: Jesus is God incarnate.. He died and rose again to be our life and righteousness
littlegrimlin1: and unless you can prove every one of those statemenst... they are meaningless
littlegrimlin1: they are just stories in a book...
kuriako2000: by reading bible, if u became athiest.. devil has caught u sure
littlegrimlin1: and this belief comes from... the bible?
kuriako2000: what is meaningrul to u?
kuriako2000: evolution?
kuriako2000: it is disproved..
littlegrimlin1: hahah no its not
littlegrimlin1: i wouldve heard a lot about it if it was really disproven
kuriako2000: a complex man cannot evolve from a simple form
littlegrimlin1: hmm yes it can
kuriako2000: and monkeys DNA and human DNA is antirely different
littlegrimlin1: and according to everydictionary moral and ethical are the same thing
kuriako2000: if one is changed into another.. it cannot have exostence.
littlegrimlin1: they are synonyms
kuriako2000: ok]
kuriako2000: leave it
littlegrimlin1: yes it is different
littlegrimlin1: because we didnt come from monkeys
littlegrimlin1: man and monkey came from a common ancestor
kuriako2000: sorry i am little busy,, we chat later ok
littlegrimlin1: haha im sure... u just need to consult some other god believers to "refute" my statments
kuriako2000: no
kuriako2000 is typing a message.
kuriako2000: i know it is futile to discuss it with u..
littlegrimlin1: good... b/c youll be wrong every time