The problem with the god premise is that it is not thought out very well. Many of the religious believe that we humans are made in his likeness, meaning that we 'look' like god.
If this is true then it means that god has a nose and a mouth. If he has a nose then he must need to breathe, or else suffocate to death if he doesn't breathe. If he has a mouth then he must need to eat, or else starve to death. Even more absurd is the fact that eating leads to pooping and peeing. An eternity of using the bathroom means that heaven must surely stink by now.
NO NO, other believers will say. Being made in god's likeness means we 'think' like him. Really? Has anyone taken a look at what mankind has wrought on earth? Our thoughts are murderous, greedy, and selfish.
So, what part of this god are we like that would lead us to worship him?
If this is true then it means that god has a nose and a mouth. If he has a nose then he must need to breathe, or else suffocate to death if he doesn't breathe. If he has a mouth then he must need to eat, or else starve to death. Even more absurd is the fact that eating leads to pooping and peeing. An eternity of using the bathroom means that heaven must surely stink by now.
NO NO, other believers will say. Being made in god's likeness means we 'think' like him. Really? Has anyone taken a look at what mankind has wrought on earth? Our thoughts are murderous, greedy, and selfish.
So, what part of this god are we like that would lead us to worship him?
There is an ALLLL-knowing, ALLLL-powerful, inVISible being who is everywhere, who created the WHOLE universe, who lives in another dimension called heaven, who is perfect in every way, who was never born and will never die, and who watches you every minute of every day (even when you're squeezing one out on the toilet). There are also unicorns, leprechauns, Santa Claus, an Easter Bunny, and a giant purple people eater.