Kondratief was a Russian economist after Communism was sent to his nation.
He produced data indicating free market systems go thru a wave form of economic prosperity / crashes and recovery.
His wave theory did not go over well with the Bolsheviks, who rejected the idea of recovery and he was sent to a labor camp.
But his wave theory was published in the West and was popularized in the 1970s.
The theory postulates a time period of about 50 something years peak to peak.
I haven't heard much about the K-wave, possibly because of the massive currency manipulations which have delayed/ masked it's effects.
Now, go back in time to the ordinances given to Israel thru Moses to the Jubilee.
This was a 50 year cycle wherein all indentured lands, servants and debts would be released upon the year of Jubilee.
There is no evidence the Jews ever implemented the Jubilee, however, the Jubilee would have short-circuited the K-wave, endemic in free market systems.
No-one would be willing to hold debt with the Jubilee looming.
Rabbi Ben Judah lived in Germany in the 1200s, and because of the nature of his prophecy, I wanted a Jewish orthodox take on it and found one online.
According to the prophesy, Jerusalem would be under the Ottoman Turks for 8 Jubilees (400 yrs), then a no-man's land for the 9th Jubilee (50 yrs) and in the 10th, it would be the time of the coming of Messiah.
300 years after the Rabbi died, Jerusalem was taken by the Turks in 1517.
It left their possession in 1917 when British General Allenby had leaflets dropped from planes demanding the surrender of the city.
The Muslims saw his signature on the flier and thought it said "Messenger of Allah" (translated). The city fell into British control without a shot.
Allenby got off his horse and walked into the city, so as not to be seen coming in as a conqueror.
I believe Jerusalem was under the British Mandate from 1917.
Jerusalem actually had a no man's land zone until 1967 when Israel again had to fight for their existence and at the end of the 6 day war, Israel gained Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria (called the west bank).
Note the above years end in the number 7, the next Jubilee runs from the Fall of 2016 to the Fall of 2017.
The Jewish site members believe Messiah will come after the next Jubilee year (the 120th since Genesis One- 6000 years elapsed) at the end of Man's lease and the Time of Restoration.
He produced data indicating free market systems go thru a wave form of economic prosperity / crashes and recovery.
His wave theory did not go over well with the Bolsheviks, who rejected the idea of recovery and he was sent to a labor camp.
But his wave theory was published in the West and was popularized in the 1970s.
The theory postulates a time period of about 50 something years peak to peak.
I haven't heard much about the K-wave, possibly because of the massive currency manipulations which have delayed/ masked it's effects.
Now, go back in time to the ordinances given to Israel thru Moses to the Jubilee.
This was a 50 year cycle wherein all indentured lands, servants and debts would be released upon the year of Jubilee.
There is no evidence the Jews ever implemented the Jubilee, however, the Jubilee would have short-circuited the K-wave, endemic in free market systems.
No-one would be willing to hold debt with the Jubilee looming.
Rabbi Ben Judah lived in Germany in the 1200s, and because of the nature of his prophecy, I wanted a Jewish orthodox take on it and found one online.
According to the prophesy, Jerusalem would be under the Ottoman Turks for 8 Jubilees (400 yrs), then a no-man's land for the 9th Jubilee (50 yrs) and in the 10th, it would be the time of the coming of Messiah.
300 years after the Rabbi died, Jerusalem was taken by the Turks in 1517.
It left their possession in 1917 when British General Allenby had leaflets dropped from planes demanding the surrender of the city.
The Muslims saw his signature on the flier and thought it said "Messenger of Allah" (translated). The city fell into British control without a shot.
Allenby got off his horse and walked into the city, so as not to be seen coming in as a conqueror.
I believe Jerusalem was under the British Mandate from 1917.
Jerusalem actually had a no man's land zone until 1967 when Israel again had to fight for their existence and at the end of the 6 day war, Israel gained Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria (called the west bank).
Note the above years end in the number 7, the next Jubilee runs from the Fall of 2016 to the Fall of 2017.
The Jewish site members believe Messiah will come after the next Jubilee year (the 120th since Genesis One- 6000 years elapsed) at the end of Man's lease and the Time of Restoration.