Another year on the forums has passed, and we are on the way into a new decade. The staff thought it was a good time to reward those of us who have made the fun and active community it is today.
So, we set up "Member Awards", which will hopefully run each year at around this time. There are 7 categories:
Best Member
Best Poster
Best Debater
Best Theist
Funniest Member
Most Opinionated
Weirdest Member
The winners of each category are chosen via a voting system which has been set up especially (and as such, probably has bugs in it). Each member of the forums can vote, and the rules are simple:
1) You must vote for a member in each category.
2) You cannot vote for yourself.
3) Any votes for banned members will be ignored. *
* Voting for a banned member is a neat way to get out of (1) if you can't think of anyone to vote for in a certain category, hence why I left the ability in.
Voting will end 7 days from now, when the results will be counted and the winners announced. For better descriptions of what the categories mean, and to vote in the Member Awards 2009, please go to the voting page:
If by some chance you do find a bug, please report it in this thread so that everyone knows about it. Requests to change votes will be ignored unless a bug was responsible, so choose your votes wisely! The voting system is anonymous, so I won't be hunting you down if you don't vote for me as "Best Member"
So, we set up "Member Awards", which will hopefully run each year at around this time. There are 7 categories:
Best Member
Best Poster
Best Debater
Best Theist
Funniest Member
Most Opinionated
Weirdest Member
The winners of each category are chosen via a voting system which has been set up especially (and as such, probably has bugs in it). Each member of the forums can vote, and the rules are simple:
1) You must vote for a member in each category.
2) You cannot vote for yourself.
3) Any votes for banned members will be ignored. *
* Voting for a banned member is a neat way to get out of (1) if you can't think of anyone to vote for in a certain category, hence why I left the ability in.
Voting will end 7 days from now, when the results will be counted and the winners announced. For better descriptions of what the categories mean, and to vote in the Member Awards 2009, please go to the voting page:
If by some chance you do find a bug, please report it in this thread so that everyone knows about it. Requests to change votes will be ignored unless a bug was responsible, so choose your votes wisely! The voting system is anonymous, so I won't be hunting you down if you don't vote for me as "Best Member"