Part 1:Introduction
A website called Humans are has posted a page called 9 Scientific Facts Prove the "Theory of Evolution" is False.
This will be a 12 part thread in which I debunk and address every claim made by this page.
Here is the link to the website to know what I am arguing against.
Now lets get started.
"The Theory of Evolution is not a scientific law or a law of biology. A scientific law must be 100% correct."
This is the first problem with this page is the misunderstanding of science. First off a law is not the highest point in a theory, in fact it is not even a point to reach. Let me show you what I mean by using the scientific definition of law:
n)a phenomenon of nature that has been proven to invariably occur whenever certain conditions exist or are met; also, a formal statement about such a phenomenon; also called natural law.
Now let us look at the scientific definition of theory:
"A concept that has been well tested, and is accepted as an explanation to a wide range of observations."
As you can see, a theory encompasses all phenomenon while a law explains only one part. Looking at the scientific definitions of these words, I can also argue that the phenomenon that is called a law is also part of the theory, because a theory encompasses all phenomenon. For example gravity is a theory. However there are laws in gravity. However they law of gravity is part of gravitational theory, as it is still a phenomenon that is observed and provides evidence of gravity.
Also many things in science are theories. Germs, kinetics, atoms, and astrophysics are all theories as well.
Science also does not work in 100%, in fact scientific theories can not be proven. Theories are made in order to explain phenomena in nature, however if someone is wrong on one of these phenomena, it becomes falsified.
Falsification is an important part of science, in fact a theory is considered bad if it is unfalsifiable.
"Failure to meet only one challenge proves the law is wrong. This article will prove that the Theory of Evolution fails many challenges, not simply one."
So far they didn't even know that theory is above law, so I would be surprised if they can even come up with a coherent argument to falsify evolution by means of natural selection.
"The Theory of Evolution will never become a law of science because it is wrought with errors. This is why it is still called a theory, instead of a law. The process of natural selection is not an evolutionary process."
Well many theories in science don't have laws. Germ theory for example does not have any laws, neither does plate tectonics. This does not mean you get sick from demons entering you, or that earthquakes happen when said god or goddess loses a bowling game. If being called a theory is what makes a scientific discovery false, than many things would indeed be false and wrought with errors.
Natural selection is not a evolutionary process you say? Then what is it? Well it can't function without evolution because natural selection is a part of evolution. They will shot them selves in the foot with this later.
"The DNA in plants and animals allows selective breeding to achieve desired results. Dogs are a good example of selective breeding. The DNA in all dogs has many recessive traits."
For a page so despite to disprove evolution, you just went and gave an example. First I must define evolution to make sure that they know where I am going with this.
Biology . change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.
As you can see in biology, evolution is a change in the gene pool. For dogs and plants to even be selectively breed they must go through a point of evolution.
"A desired trait can be produced in dogs by selecting dogs with a particular trait to produce offspring with that trait. This specialized selective breeding can continue for generation after generation until a breed of dog is developed. This is the same as the "survival of the fittest" theory of the evolutionists."
This is one of the first shots in their foot. Above you just gave an example of evolution by the definition given. You even go to say that it matches the survival of the fittest. This is not the first time they will do this.
![[Image: Charles+Darwin+was+wrong+eye+quote.jpg]](
"Yet reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a perfect and complex eye to one very imperfect and simple, each grade being useful to its possessor, can be shown to exist; if further, the eye does vary ever so slightly, and the variations be inherited, which is certainly the case; and if any variation or modification in the organ be ever useful to an animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, can hardly be considered real. How a nerve comes to be sensitive to light, hardly concerns us more than how life itself first originated; but I may remark that several facts make me suspect that any sensitive nerve may be rendered sensitive to light, and likewise to those coarser vibrations of the air which produce sound." The Origin of Species chpt. 6.
"Many different types of dogs can be developed this way, but they can never develop a cat by selectively breeding dogs. Natural selection can never extend outside of the DNA limit. DNA cannot be changed into a new species by natural selection. The same process of selective breeding is done with flowers, fruits, and vegetables."
Well if you ever see a dog give birth to a cat than evolution by natural selection would be disproven on the spot. It is dishonest to claim if a dog does not give birth to a cat, evolution by natural selection is false, but when it does happen evolution by natural selection is false.
DNA has a limit? Are there any papers providing evidence for this claim? The answer is no.
Also new species do evolve. Speciation is a process in which two or more separate species arise. One example of this is ring species. Salamanders and Warblers have gone through this process.
"New variations of the species are possible, but a new species has never been developed by science. In fact, the most modern laboratories are unable to produce a left-hand protein as found in humans and animals. Evolutionist fail to admit that no species has ever been proven to have evolved in any way. Evolution is simply pie-in-the-sky conjecture without scientific proof."
Seeing as ring species has been observed and documented, it is safe to say that new species have evolved.
This is also incorrect. Some organisms have a right-hand protein.
This paper McCarthy, Matthew D., John I. Hedges and Ronald Benner. 1998. Major bacterial contribution to marine dissolved organic nitrogen
Documents this.
Fail to admit that no new species evolve, we have shown it.
"If natural selection were true, Eskimos would have fur to keep warm, but they don't. They are just as hairless as everyone else. If natural selection were true, humans in the tropics would have silver, reflective skin to help them keep cool, but they don't. They have black skin, just the opposite of what the theory of natural selection would predict."
Well this is a straw man isn't it. First, Inuits are humans like all of us, and humans have a habit of using parts of a animal for more than food. Inuits make coats to keep warm, so evolving fur is not a necessary adaptation that has to evolve.
Humans don't need silver skin to keep cool. Instead humans have sweat glands. Sweat glands will keep the human body cool when it heats up, that is why we sweat when it gets hot.
Darker skin is better at absorbing vitamin D from the sun, so such and adaptation is in fact useful and does not falsify evolution.
"If natural selection were true humans at northern latitudes would have black skin, but they have white skin instead, except the Eskimos who have skin that is halfway between white and black. The people from Russia and the Nordic countries have white skin, blood hair and blue eyes. This is the opposite of what one would predict if natural selection controlled skin color."
This is not true. Skin color in humans is based on melanin. Sun light is one example of this. For example when you see that hot girl tanning on the beach and her skin becomes darker. However their is more than light that is involved in this process. For example food can also contribute to the vitamin D. The Inuits eat fish, a lot of fish in fact. Fish oil also contains a lot of vitamin D. So despite the fact that they don't get sun light like people in Africa, their large diet of fish gives them darker skin than Eurasians.
"Many evolutionists argue that melanin is a natural sunscreen that evolved in a greater amount to protect dark-skinned people who live near the Equator. They simply ignore the fact that dark-skinned Eskimos live north of the Arctic Circle. Melanin in the skin is not a sound argument in favor of evolution. Dark-skinned people have always lived near the Equator, not white-skinned people, even though the dark skin is more uncomfortable in the hot, sunny climate."
Well this is true, however dark skin does not mean they sit in the sun all day.Again
as I explained, skin pigmentation is effected by factors like vitamin D synthesis in the skin.
Actually dark skinned people tend to get sun burned less. I as a negro have never had a sunburn, and when sitting next to another friend of mine with lighter skin, they tend to be less comfortable in the sun than I am. Dark skin lowers the risk of skin cancer from the sun.
"Black skin absorbs the heat from the sun's rays more than white skin. Humans show no sign of natural selection based on the environment. The theory of natural selection is wrong because it cannot create something in the DNA that wasn't there in the beginning."
That is correct, but that is because darker skin can absorb more vitamin D from the sun than lighter skin. I already explained this before.
And there is now two shots in their foot. Let us go over what was said before by them:
Quote:The process of natural selection is not an evolutionary process
They claimed it is not a evolutionary process in order to excuse dogs evolving as not being evolution, now that there dog example is finished they now claim natural selection does not happen in general.
"Animals like bears, tigers, lions, and zebras living near the equator have heavy fur while humans living north of the Artic Circle have bare skin. A leopard from the jungle near the equator has fur like the snow leopard of the Himalayas."
Well zebras, tigers, and lions don't have fur that is heavy or thick. Bears do, though heavy fur does not hinder them.
Humans, as I explained before, make cloths, and their for don't need to evolve fur as they can make cloths that are thick to keep warm instead.
Really, african leopards have the same amount of fur as the snow leopard? Let us get some visual confirmation to see if this is true:
![[Image: african-leopard-pictures_1.jpg]](
![[Image: jumping-snow-leopard-by-Emmanuel-Keller-...592605.jpg]](
Now if they mean fur as in the same material, that is obvious. However if they mean same fur density they are wrong, the african leopard has much less fur than the snow leopard.
"The snow leopard grows thicker hair but the jungle leopard would also if moved to a cold climate. Horses and dogs grow a heavy winter coat in colder climates. Natural selection isn't working as falsely claimed by Charles Darwin."
Well it would if the african leopard would if it can survive. Even if it could adapt to the cold it still would have to worry about:
Finding a mate
Finding shelter
Avoiding competition
Horses and dogs having thick fur does not mean the jungle leopard would if it moved to colder climates, as horses and dogs already have evolved to grow thick fur in cold areas in the winter months.
Natural selection is working but it only doesn't work when they don't want it too.
"The cheetah in Africa is an example of an animal in the cat family with very limited variety in the DNA. Each cheetah looks like an identical twin. The cheetah DNA is so identical that the skin from one cheetah can be grafted into another cheetah without any rejection by the body."
This is because of a population bottleneck. This phenomena happens when a population of an organism faces a severe population drop. However animals can recover from a population bottleneck over time.
This is the end of part one. For reading all the way through you get a congrats gecko. Part 2 tomorrow.
![[Image: crested-gecko.jpg]](
Thanks for reading.
![[Image: guilmon_evolution_by_davidgtm3-d4gb5rp.gif]](