This is an email sent out to Amnesty International sponsors.
So I started looking into this, and sure enough, that bill is about to pass. I also came across this article:
So the Pastor with the best link to the White House won’t condemn the Anti-Homosexuality Bill.
Here is also an article from the Guardian on this bill:
I think it is dangerous and ridiculous that a bill like this even gets on the agenda, let alone stand a chance of passing.
It is dangerous because this bill criminalizes anyone, who does not report a gay person within 24 hours. This is going to dissuade gay people from seeking treatment, seeking help, seeking testing, because they know that ultimately when you do that you're going to end up outing yourself, and the next thing you know, that could land you in jail. Again without proper medical treatment.
I've contacted Amnesty Nederland about this as their website is not mentioning any action on the topic (though they are doing several other admirable projects). If I hear something from them I will let you know in this topic.
Quote:Amnesty International USA
A proposed bill storming through Uganda's parliament is one of the most severe pieces of
anti-homosexuality legislation in the entire world! If passed, it would establish an alarming precedent
that would virtually annihilate the human rights of Uganda's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) population.
Stop Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill!
Dear Leo,
In October 2009, Parliamentarian David Bahati introduced draconian legislation in Uganda that
would make "any form of sexual relations between persons of the same sex" punishable by prison or
even death. The bill even takes aim at those offering protection or support to any lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) person by instituting harsh prison sentences of up to 7 years.
If the Ugandan Parliament chooses to endorse this hateful legislation, it would be responsible for
depriving countless Ugandans of their human rights as well as placing LGBT people throughout the world
at significantly greater risk.
The vote on this bill could happen as soon as the end of this month, so we've got to act fast.
Fortunately, momentum to fight Uganda's egregious bill has already started building in Washington.
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) is spearheading a joint Congressional letter that will be sent to
Uganda's President urging him to put an end to this discrimination. We need all U.S. Representatives to
unite in opposition to codify persecution and discrimination in Uganda.
Urge your Representative to sign-on to stop Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill.
We fear that the negative consequences sparked from the passage of such irresponsible legislation will
not stop at Uganda's borders, but will reverberate throughout the rest of Africa and even the world.
Make your voice heard and stand up for human rights in Uganda! Tell your Representative to condemn the
proposed legislation that would deal a blow to human rights in Uganda and across the world.
In Solidarity,
Michael O'Reilly
Director, Individuals at Risk Campaign
So I started looking into this, and sure enough, that bill is about to pass. I also came across this article:
So the Pastor with the best link to the White House won’t condemn the Anti-Homosexuality Bill.
Quote:On Meet the Press yesterday, Warren reiterated, “As a pastor, my job is to encourage, to support. I never take sides.” He has, however, said that abortion is a “holocaust” and pushed for the passage of California’s Prop. 8.
Here is also an article from the Guardian on this bill:
I think it is dangerous and ridiculous that a bill like this even gets on the agenda, let alone stand a chance of passing.
It is dangerous because this bill criminalizes anyone, who does not report a gay person within 24 hours. This is going to dissuade gay people from seeking treatment, seeking help, seeking testing, because they know that ultimately when you do that you're going to end up outing yourself, and the next thing you know, that could land you in jail. Again without proper medical treatment.
I've contacted Amnesty Nederland about this as their website is not mentioning any action on the topic (though they are doing several other admirable projects). If I hear something from them I will let you know in this topic.
Best regards,
Leo van Miert
Horsepower is how hard you hit the wall --Torque is how far you take the wall with you
Leo van Miert
Horsepower is how hard you hit the wall --Torque is how far you take the wall with you