Thanks all for the answers.
I expect human conflict will continue regardless of religious orientation, forced or otherwise.
Another vote for "it depends."
How come I can identify three arguments for "other," but there is only one vote for that in the poll?
pocaracas Wrote:Can you also use the same sort of nanobots to cure cancer? That would be soooo much more helpful.Cancer was cured in 2023. Try to keep up.
Jenny A Wrote:This does raise a question about homosexuality though. Sexual orientation is not a choice now, but such a bot would make it a choice. That raises no real ethical dilemma for me, as I don't see anything immoral same gender sex. But, there are people, mostly Christian I imagine, who excuse homosexuality only because it is not a personal choice, or who condemn it because they think it is a personal choice. Such a bot might set gay rights back decades.I worry more about creation of zealot soldiers for the empire. Whether or not they choose to be gay is a secondary issue.
Homeless Nutter Wrote:Yup, totally fine. But then again - I'm evil.Yep, evil. But are you chaotic, neutral or lawful evil?
(May 27, 2015 at 10:56 am)whateverist Wrote: I'm not clear whether you are asking:The motives of the operator of the technology are not material unless, as JennyA pointed out above, they were of the subject.
1) Is it permissible for me to do for my own reasons?
2) Is it permissible for me to share the technology with a person who wishes for one of these outcomes?
To 1 I would answer no. To 2 I would want a legally binding disclaimer signed and witnessed as well as a suitable fee for the service.
(Of course, Bob and I would probably both have to sign off on it.)
Chuck Wrote:But never say never."It depends" is generally a valid answer. I'll chalk that up as the only current vote for "Other."
Let's say in 2036, a Mars sized rouge planet is detected heading towards earth on a collision course. It is vastly beyond human capacity to avert the big splat. There is nowhere near that we can escape to. It take essentially the wholehearted effort of the whole mankind to build a generation ship that might allow a small human seedling population to depart on a long trip to survive. That's humanity's only chance.
(May 27, 2015 at 11:35 am)Pyrrho Wrote: First of all, this is nothing like the trolley problem, or, at least, is not in any obvious way like the trolley problem.It's just an ethical dilemma problem. Not all trolly problems have trollies.
Do you think that if everyone in Syria and Iraq suddenly became atheists, that they would kill each other less? Or suppose we got them to Saudi Arabia, do you think that they would stop religious oppression if everyone suddenly became an atheist?
My point is, this is not merely an issue of personal autonomy, but also about how these things will affect others.
I expect human conflict will continue regardless of religious orientation, forced or otherwise.
Another vote for "it depends."
How come I can identify three arguments for "other," but there is only one vote for that in the poll?
So how, exactly, does God know that She's NOT a brain in a vat?