I'll answer these questions as well as I can.
No. And it's not even legal in the UK. The closest I've ever got to a gun is playing Call of Duty 2 lol.
Ouch... really hard one. I've never thought about it much either...
Ummm....I can't think of anyone! I assume it would still be my 'mind' but a different body? It's the mind I care about really so I guess it doesn't really matter to me.
Probably just someone who lives somewhere really interesting or has a really big house so I can live their lifestyle for a day lol.
Sorry if my answer wasn't very interesting lol.
I have no idea!! Umm... either I haven't done much with my life with lots of disappointment... either I've done a lot with it and I'm very happy.... or....mostly likely it will be what I don't expect. Somewhere in-between. And I may be able to predict some things as I go along but some things are bound to surprise me. And I haven't had a proper surprise is so fucking long then I sure hope I get more in future lol.
It's hard to say these things honestly to them without hurting their feelings. And I hate lying to people - and pretending I feel ok and that things are O.K for me just makes things even worse in future when it comes out later. Repression isn't healthy. And I, for one, have learnt this after I went insane back in jan 2007
- Yes, I'm on medication now lol.
Love it.
Not many... (just plain lack of money, if I had the money I'd see my favourite band, Orbital, every day). ummm let me see....4 times I think
The first gig I went to was a place called the 'Soviet II' in London back in 2006, I went on the train with my dad there - I basically went just because Phil Hartnoll of Orbital was playing for an hour... and I sat through like 10 other electronica artists that are pretty obscure/unknown. The only one I remember the name of was called 'The Grid'. It was totally worth the wait. Phil played some Orbital tracks and DJed some other stuff.
It was a really cool place in the sense it had seats but also a dance floor below next to the stage. I saw Phil Hartnoll had come down to dance to the performers after him a few minutes after he finished his performance. I went down their to see him and tried to introduce myself but I had trouble introducing myself because I was shy. I'd never spoken to anyone famous before let alone one of my two musical heroes (the other being Paul Harnoll his brother). So my dad introduced me.
I ended up dancing with him a bit and he even gave me his email (or one of them lol). We exchanged a few emails but then lost contact.
My 2nd Gig was when I went to see Tenacious D with my mum and one of my bros. This was also in 2006.
My 3rd Gig was on the 18th of September 2009 at the Manchester Academy where I went with my mum and bro again and saw Orbital live after they had just recently returned after a 5 year break. It was by far the most thrilling experience of my life. Absolutely unforgettable.
The 4th Gig was when I went with my Mum and bro and saw my bros favourite band, Muse. I really really enjoyed that night although not as much as Orbital of course.
If any of these extra details bore you then maybe you should have scrolled past them
Pastafarianism obviously.
The edible kind usually lol. Well, I like a lot of food. Pretty much all I've tried really. I don't like prawn cocktail Walkers crisps but then I like every other kind of Walkers and I love prawn cocktail when it's not Walkers. And I also love prawns and tried actual prawn cocktail once and loved it lol.
I got addicted to coleslaw at one point but then started having loads of it in sandwiches on its own (and not even with nice brown wholemeal bread).... and now I don't seem to like the taste of it unless I have it with a lot of other things lol. It's like I put myself off it a bit lol.
The worst thing I ever tasted by far was a scotch egg hollowed out with strawberry jam inside. I used to hate scotch eggs you see (I love them now, amazingly) - so I tried to sweeten it up but it essentially tasted like a sugary gas pocket.
I love scotch eggs now, and I love jam. But maybe I still don't like the two together lol. I dunno I haven't tried since really. I'm kinda a bit afraid to.
It tasted even worse than a Pepperoni, tomato sauce, peanut butter, apple sauce, white chocolate and barbacue sauced sandwich! And even worse than battered Cod in a glass with lots of blackcurrent cordial so that I was essentially drinking fishy fruit juice (with batter). These are two other things I've tried. Other than that I haven't experimented too much.
A really hard one because I love all of the above. I am fascinated by history, especially ancient history. And I find physics fascinating - and I find Quantum Physics very interesting indeed.
But Astronomy might have the edge for me. I find it both amazing like the other two but I also can find it very uplifting. Especially when it is spoken about as beautifully amazingly as Carl Sagan in Pale Blue Dot for example. The true cosmic insignificance of us, and this planet, is more beautiful than the arrogance of humans thinking they have a special place in the cosmos.
I have a food hygine level one. And I also used to have a computer maintenance but I lost it. And I can't remember anything I learnt from it anyway - even though I did get 96%.
I don't have any other qualifications but I haven't taken any others either. I only ever went to school for one year for a start. I was home educated by my parents after that.
I once wrestled a pig for a mars bar.
No, that's a joke lol.
Umm... let me think. I once sat on a screwdriver (by accident), years ago... and I couldn't even breathe for a few seconds or speak because it was so painful lol.
I think I'm too ignorant to know really. I don't know much about politics. I'd hope that something could be done to improve the situation in third world countries.
I'd also be interested in what could be done about the fact that Paris is apparently the riot capital of europe. I never knew France was that messed up.
Sorry that I don't know much about politics lol. Even if I can think of countries that I'd want to change I wouldn't really know what could be done or how.
Quote:Do you own any guns?
No. And it's not even legal in the UK. The closest I've ever got to a gun is playing Call of Duty 2 lol.
Quote:If you could take over one person's body for one day who would it be and why?
Ouch... really hard one. I've never thought about it much either...
Ummm....I can't think of anyone! I assume it would still be my 'mind' but a different body? It's the mind I care about really so I guess it doesn't really matter to me.
Probably just someone who lives somewhere really interesting or has a really big house so I can live their lifestyle for a day lol.
Sorry if my answer wasn't very interesting lol.
Quote:Where do you see yourself at the age of 44?
I have no idea!! Umm... either I haven't done much with my life with lots of disappointment... either I've done a lot with it and I'm very happy.... or....mostly likely it will be what I don't expect. Somewhere in-between. And I may be able to predict some things as I go along but some things are bound to surprise me. And I haven't had a proper surprise is so fucking long then I sure hope I get more in future lol.
Quote:What is family life like for you?I love my family very much indeed. The only thing is as I've got older I've found it harder and harder living with them. But other than that I'm ok.... I don't know what will happen in future. I sometimes feel claustraphobic and want to just get away - increasingly so lately

Quote:Marmite! Love it or hate it?
Love it.
Quote:Do you ever see yourself as a father?Usually not. But sometimes I do. Only yesterday I was thinking about it yesterday... thinking about how parenting is often said to be the hardest job in the world... but I think that because I'm such a determined and persevering person I might actually be quite good at it - because I bet it takes a lot of determination and perseverance to raise a child.
Quote:How many gigs have you gone to?
Not many... (just plain lack of money, if I had the money I'd see my favourite band, Orbital, every day). ummm let me see....4 times I think
The first gig I went to was a place called the 'Soviet II' in London back in 2006, I went on the train with my dad there - I basically went just because Phil Hartnoll of Orbital was playing for an hour... and I sat through like 10 other electronica artists that are pretty obscure/unknown. The only one I remember the name of was called 'The Grid'. It was totally worth the wait. Phil played some Orbital tracks and DJed some other stuff.
It was a really cool place in the sense it had seats but also a dance floor below next to the stage. I saw Phil Hartnoll had come down to dance to the performers after him a few minutes after he finished his performance. I went down their to see him and tried to introduce myself but I had trouble introducing myself because I was shy. I'd never spoken to anyone famous before let alone one of my two musical heroes (the other being Paul Harnoll his brother). So my dad introduced me.
I ended up dancing with him a bit and he even gave me his email (or one of them lol). We exchanged a few emails but then lost contact.
My 2nd Gig was when I went to see Tenacious D with my mum and one of my bros. This was also in 2006.
My 3rd Gig was on the 18th of September 2009 at the Manchester Academy where I went with my mum and bro again and saw Orbital live after they had just recently returned after a 5 year break. It was by far the most thrilling experience of my life. Absolutely unforgettable.
The 4th Gig was when I went with my Mum and bro and saw my bros favourite band, Muse. I really really enjoyed that night although not as much as Orbital of course.
If any of these extra details bore you then maybe you should have scrolled past them

Quote:If you absolutely had to, which religion would you follow?
Pastafarianism obviously.
Quote:What sort of food do you eat?
The edible kind usually lol. Well, I like a lot of food. Pretty much all I've tried really. I don't like prawn cocktail Walkers crisps but then I like every other kind of Walkers and I love prawn cocktail when it's not Walkers. And I also love prawns and tried actual prawn cocktail once and loved it lol.
I got addicted to coleslaw at one point but then started having loads of it in sandwiches on its own (and not even with nice brown wholemeal bread).... and now I don't seem to like the taste of it unless I have it with a lot of other things lol. It's like I put myself off it a bit lol.
The worst thing I ever tasted by far was a scotch egg hollowed out with strawberry jam inside. I used to hate scotch eggs you see (I love them now, amazingly) - so I tried to sweeten it up but it essentially tasted like a sugary gas pocket.
I love scotch eggs now, and I love jam. But maybe I still don't like the two together lol. I dunno I haven't tried since really. I'm kinda a bit afraid to.
It tasted even worse than a Pepperoni, tomato sauce, peanut butter, apple sauce, white chocolate and barbacue sauced sandwich! And even worse than battered Cod in a glass with lots of blackcurrent cordial so that I was essentially drinking fishy fruit juice (with batter). These are two other things I've tried. Other than that I haven't experimented too much.
Quote:Would you rather watch a documentary about natural history, astronomy or physics?
A really hard one because I love all of the above. I am fascinated by history, especially ancient history. And I find physics fascinating - and I find Quantum Physics very interesting indeed.
But Astronomy might have the edge for me. I find it both amazing like the other two but I also can find it very uplifting. Especially when it is spoken about as beautifully amazingly as Carl Sagan in Pale Blue Dot for example. The true cosmic insignificance of us, and this planet, is more beautiful than the arrogance of humans thinking they have a special place in the cosmos.
Quote: Do you have any qualifications?
I have a food hygine level one. And I also used to have a computer maintenance but I lost it. And I can't remember anything I learnt from it anyway - even though I did get 96%.
I don't have any other qualifications but I haven't taken any others either. I only ever went to school for one year for a start. I was home educated by my parents after that.
Quote:Tell us something about yourself that no-one here knows.
I once wrestled a pig for a mars bar.
No, that's a joke lol.
Umm... let me think. I once sat on a screwdriver (by accident), years ago... and I couldn't even breathe for a few seconds or speak because it was so painful lol.
Quote:If you could change the economy, living conditions, education system, etc, in one place on Earth, where would it be and why?
I think I'm too ignorant to know really. I don't know much about politics. I'd hope that something could be done to improve the situation in third world countries.
I'd also be interested in what could be done about the fact that Paris is apparently the riot capital of europe. I never knew France was that messed up.
Sorry that I don't know much about politics lol. Even if I can think of countries that I'd want to change I wouldn't really know what could be done or how.