My name is Curt. I grew up in the 1990's in a predominately southern baptist home. I believe that is the reason why I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. My grand parents would always talk about the end of the world coming soon and it scared me. I was only 5 or 6 when I really started retaining this knowledge, it was terrifying. They told me that when I learn the difference between right and wrong I will be able to go to Hell for sinning. I went to church with them almost every Sunday. I prayed with them, and kept telling myself that I was saved. I told it to them, and they dismissed it like I didnt know what I was talking about. So I kept going to church, and I felt like they always didn't believe that I was saved. I ask myself what does it take to be saved? The answer in my opinion is to let go of religion. I don't want my children to grow up how I did in fear. I want my children to grow up in a world that is educated and not influenced by some ancient scripture created by man used for power and control. In the year 2015 do we really need to continue to waste our time with religion? In my opinion, religion is primitive behavior. Religion is a mental illness that has been passed on from generation to generation. It is so hard for people to believe this because they grew up with it, and they have been institutionalized.
Even people that don't live a life for God still believe in it, but why? I think the answer to that is fear. Fear of the unknown when we die. The only way to find out is to die. We should just use common sense and ask our selves is the lesson that was taught to us even possible? Is it just some fairy tale? The way that we can get rid of this primitive behavior is not by violence. It is by education. Educate the young ones so they don't have to live a life in fear. Educate them so that they understand that its okay to be different. The bible and the quran both have instructions for their believers if others do not believe. They all claim to be religions of peace, but their history is plagued with wars and senseless violence. If our elders dropped this non sense earlier the world would be a little more peaceful. Take religion out of the equation and its just one less thing for people to disagree on. I believe in freedom of religion, however I think we should rephrase that, it should be freedom from religion. We should free or "save" ourselves from this mental illness we were born with and live life the way it should be lived. We only get one life to live, we should not waste it fighting each other over something we have never seen or heard.
These are all just thoughts going through my head right now. I feel like some of the anxiety is gone because I am not afraid of going to hell any more. I had a moment with my wife the other day where I laughed at her for what she said. Our kids had head lice, so I asked her "if there was a God, why did he make lice?" She replied, "because Eve ate the Apple".... Isnt that just the biggest bunch of non sense you have ever heard? If there was a God that truly loved us why did he abandon us? If he is so powerful, why did he create sickness? If he were truly that powerful we wouldn't have any of the problems we have today. Why did he make dinosaurs and then an asteroid killed them all? Was he just having fun, then all the sudden got bored and decided to wipe them out? Why would he create homosexuals and then tell them what they are doing is wrong and condemn them to hell? The answer is he didnt! Because he doesnt exist! People are born the way they are because of nature. Sickness, the dinosaurs, lice, bugs, ticks, snakes, people, and the world were all created because of nature.
I want to scream this stuff out to the world. But I know the consequences will be bad. The majority still believes in all the hocus pocus... I think thats why we keep religion around, because we fear that we will be judged in a negative light. The only thing we can do is limit exposure to religion. Educate the children so they do not make the same mistakes that we have in the past. You dont need religion to be a good person.
Sorry if I seem to be rambling on and on lol. I just feel strongly about this because religion has taken its toll on my life and I dont want others to suffer the way I have. I also look at all the terrorist attacks and think to myself "all of this wouldnt be happening if there was no religion" Im looking forward to speaking with some of you on this forum, its good to know that I am not the only one who has some sense, lol.
Even people that don't live a life for God still believe in it, but why? I think the answer to that is fear. Fear of the unknown when we die. The only way to find out is to die. We should just use common sense and ask our selves is the lesson that was taught to us even possible? Is it just some fairy tale? The way that we can get rid of this primitive behavior is not by violence. It is by education. Educate the young ones so they don't have to live a life in fear. Educate them so that they understand that its okay to be different. The bible and the quran both have instructions for their believers if others do not believe. They all claim to be religions of peace, but their history is plagued with wars and senseless violence. If our elders dropped this non sense earlier the world would be a little more peaceful. Take religion out of the equation and its just one less thing for people to disagree on. I believe in freedom of religion, however I think we should rephrase that, it should be freedom from religion. We should free or "save" ourselves from this mental illness we were born with and live life the way it should be lived. We only get one life to live, we should not waste it fighting each other over something we have never seen or heard.
These are all just thoughts going through my head right now. I feel like some of the anxiety is gone because I am not afraid of going to hell any more. I had a moment with my wife the other day where I laughed at her for what she said. Our kids had head lice, so I asked her "if there was a God, why did he make lice?" She replied, "because Eve ate the Apple".... Isnt that just the biggest bunch of non sense you have ever heard? If there was a God that truly loved us why did he abandon us? If he is so powerful, why did he create sickness? If he were truly that powerful we wouldn't have any of the problems we have today. Why did he make dinosaurs and then an asteroid killed them all? Was he just having fun, then all the sudden got bored and decided to wipe them out? Why would he create homosexuals and then tell them what they are doing is wrong and condemn them to hell? The answer is he didnt! Because he doesnt exist! People are born the way they are because of nature. Sickness, the dinosaurs, lice, bugs, ticks, snakes, people, and the world were all created because of nature.
I want to scream this stuff out to the world. But I know the consequences will be bad. The majority still believes in all the hocus pocus... I think thats why we keep religion around, because we fear that we will be judged in a negative light. The only thing we can do is limit exposure to religion. Educate the children so they do not make the same mistakes that we have in the past. You dont need religion to be a good person.
Sorry if I seem to be rambling on and on lol. I just feel strongly about this because religion has taken its toll on my life and I dont want others to suffer the way I have. I also look at all the terrorist attacks and think to myself "all of this wouldnt be happening if there was no religion" Im looking forward to speaking with some of you on this forum, its good to know that I am not the only one who has some sense, lol.