Now before people argue Tom did or or didn't know, the court case was NOT about that at all, but about the rights of the owner vs employee. The court decided that the NFL, regardless were the owners and had the final say. Now, Tom wont end up on cat food regardless of anyone's opinion. But, this does have everything to do with the continuing and 40 year assault on workers rights in all industries.
I can think all I want there was no smoking gun and at the same time think Brady did it, but still have the attitude of presumption of innocence meaning, no smoking gun, gotta let em go. The average NFL player is NOT a millionaire and with all the body abuse prior to entering the NFL from pee wee to HS through college, and considering the average stay is 3-5 years, UNIONS are needed. I am not suggesting either way that Tom did it, nor didn't do it. I am strictly talking about the long term courts siding way too much with the owners and not enough with workers.
The NFL as OWNERS have abused our economy by demanding free stadiums, have payed no taxes since 66. It hid the dangers of head injury. Sports unions are part of the last worker unions left standing. It isn't that I feel sorry for Tom the individual, I do however feel sorry for the lack of power for workers of any industry.
There was recent thread about someone here losing their job over something petty. And I was myself fired from a 7 year stint because I refused to multitask even though I was already doing more than my share. It is way past time for workers to stand up to this bullshit. Big business would love nothing more than to turn back the clock on worker safety and pay and turn us into a third world sweat shop factory.
I can think all I want there was no smoking gun and at the same time think Brady did it, but still have the attitude of presumption of innocence meaning, no smoking gun, gotta let em go. The average NFL player is NOT a millionaire and with all the body abuse prior to entering the NFL from pee wee to HS through college, and considering the average stay is 3-5 years, UNIONS are needed. I am not suggesting either way that Tom did it, nor didn't do it. I am strictly talking about the long term courts siding way too much with the owners and not enough with workers.
The NFL as OWNERS have abused our economy by demanding free stadiums, have payed no taxes since 66. It hid the dangers of head injury. Sports unions are part of the last worker unions left standing. It isn't that I feel sorry for Tom the individual, I do however feel sorry for the lack of power for workers of any industry.
There was recent thread about someone here losing their job over something petty. And I was myself fired from a 7 year stint because I refused to multitask even though I was already doing more than my share. It is way past time for workers to stand up to this bullshit. Big business would love nothing more than to turn back the clock on worker safety and pay and turn us into a third world sweat shop factory.