If you ever realized the truth of this world; you'll sell it.
Don't forget your share; take your share from this world, but never ever get attached. The more you get attached, the harder it gets.
The death of a love one will be so hard to move over, the losing in the stock market becomes so heavy, but something is always giving us a false hope; trying to shake the bargain.
He tries to kill the deal; he'll convince you that male genitalia are good looking; that an anus opening of a feminine man is delicious even though he uses it to poop feces, he'll brainwash you to run like a puppy behind the opposite gender; you know you're possesed by this figure when you turn your whole life into a game of hunting lovers, drunk in your lust, seeking...perhaps a feminine foot? a vagaina you can eat? a male penis that drills you? maybe feminine male semen that creams you. No, a sweet warmth that only the thighs of female maiden would give. Warmth of sexy, hot woman..
He, whispers. We, obey. When humans are under the influence of their inner drugs (like dopamine), manipulating them becomes so easy. Despite having the ability to say "no"; and refuse the effect of the chemical compounds, lots say "yes" and just choose to give in.
The sweet pleasure; the forbidden; the illegal. It will happen if we say yes. We'll rock the bed, but what happens next?
That's right, the chemical compounds have run their course; just like anything in this life: it ends.
Doesn't it seem insulting, to spend your life chasing a carrot? chasing a bait..
It's all chemicals. The more you give in, the more you get drowned.
The more you resist, the more you get stronger and stronger.
The more you see it.
How many bastards are there? poor souls that looked dad up, only to find a soccer mom hanging there alone?
How many of these poor souls, got raised by a rapist dad on the other hand? and mommy simply wasn't there.
How many boys were prohibited by religious constraints which are false, to meet women? Vatican priests, students in Saudi Arabia ? So under their own personal chemical injections, got high and drunk on male parts; dreaming about a female that would never come.
A pleasure, that would last for the duration of the compound. Gotta say: it doesn't worth it?
God exists. Bottom line.
Criticize. No.
All flesh makes you cum. But to choose a certain flesh to consume and leave the other, despite your chemically sprung feelings, well, that's called "something else".
Selling the world, means to get over these implicit drugs. Them drugs we call them desire.