The double standard is painful to see...
"As a public intellectual, Israel Shahak was accused of fabricating the incidents he reported, of blaming the victim, of distorting the normative meaning of Jewish religious texts, and of misrepresenting Jewish belief and law.[30][33] Paul Bogdanor, said that Shahak “regaled his audience with a stream of outrageous libels, ludicrous fabrications, and transparent hoaxes. As each successive allegation was exposed and discredited, he would simply proceed to a new invention.”"
ooops! fabricating his reports?! Not the scholar I'd want to portray in my very first reference....
Oh look! The same con artist!
Another amazing example!
Belloc: "His Catholic faith had a strong impact on his works."
"Jewish historian Todd Edelman identifies Catholic writers as central critics. In his opinion:
The most virulent attacks in the Marconi affair were launched by Hilaire Belloc and the brothers Cecil and G.K. Chesterton, whose hostility to Jews was linked to their opposition to liberalism, their backward-looking Catholicism, and the nostalgia for a medieval Catholic Europe that they imagined was ordered, harmonious, and homogeneous. The Jew baiting at the time of the Boer War and the Marconi scandal was linked to a broader protest, mounted in the main by the Radical wing of the Liberal Party, against the growing visibility of successful businessmen in national life and their challenges to what were seen as traditional English values.[34]"
Your sources seem very very biased and phony, so far...
Wait what?! A German author from 1937??
Why am I not surprised to find this:
![[Image: Untitled_zpsnpzmzpwt.png]](
The Dispossessed Majority was decried as a white supremacist book when notice of it was mailed to students at the Marist School and the Lovett School in 1987.
I don't even have to read the books...
The New York Times review by Adam Clymer, noting that Findley had been defeated by "a combination of an able opponent, the recession, redistricting and a heavy infusion of money from pro-Israel political action committees", described the book as "an angry, one-sided book that seems often to be little more than a stringing together of stray incidents".[3]
Well, so Israel has lobbied to influence some US policies! Wow! I'm shocked! Certainly something the US have never done!
Not in Cuba.... not in Venezuela.... not in Afghanistan... no where.... of course!
Remember something about glass houses?
So, to sum it up, your sources are biased, agenda ridden filth. Congratulations for eating up garbage.
Well... I know my History.
At some point in the far past, in Portugal, Jews lived peacefully practicing their own religion. After most of Europe abolished them, they found some refuge in Portugal... this was around the 15th or 16th century, I think...
Eventually, the pope applied enough pressure on the Portuguese king and Jews were abolished there too. However, they were given the option to convert.
And thus the new Christians were formed.
But how to make sure they were Christian? ah... cleverly, the investigative panel decided that if they hadn't converted, they'd refuse to eat pork... so, any previously jewish household that didn't have any pork in their diet didn't really convert and would have to be kicked out... where to, I know not.
Anyway, so the clever "new christians" came up with a new kind of sausage. Lots kinda like a normal pork sausage, but it's made of anything but pork, the Alheira. It then grew in popularity and now everyone has Alheira, mostly stuffed with chicken, turkey or rabbit meat.
It worked, sure... but nowadays (or rather in the early 20th century), the descendants of those jews of old have become integrated and are as Christian as anybody else.
They integrated perfectly. May have taken more than a century, more than 2 or 3 generations... but they did. So will the Muslims.
So far, your recommendations don't seem to be very enlightening.
Right.... a conspiracy theory video is bound to convince me... sure...
Just because a text is being faithfully reproduced, it doesn't mean that the contents of that book are anymore trustworthy than any other book from ancient times.
If only there was some way to check the veracity of that old text... But it seems that only the illiterate guy in the cavern could get the word... and no one else may hear the words of the divine... riiiight!
Sure, change the subject....
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote:Let's see what we have on that...(June 19, 2017 at 9:35 am)pocaracas Wrote: yeah... I'm not here to do your homework, boy.
I did not ask you to do my homework rather I have asked for supporting facts for your critique.
In place of pointing to popular Jewish gibberish read the following books and find out the truth yourself. The authors of these books have used plenty of academic references. See for yourself why Jews are burning in the fire of hatred for being exposed by Truth Seekers.
The Weight of Three Thousand Years
By Professor Israel Shahak
"As a public intellectual, Israel Shahak was accused of fabricating the incidents he reported, of blaming the victim, of distorting the normative meaning of Jewish religious texts, and of misrepresenting Jewish belief and law.[30][33] Paul Bogdanor, said that Shahak “regaled his audience with a stream of outrageous libels, ludicrous fabrications, and transparent hoaxes. As each successive allegation was exposed and discredited, he would simply proceed to a new invention.”"
ooops! fabricating his reports?! Not the scholar I'd want to portray in my very first reference....
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote: JEWISH FUNDAMENTALISM IN ISRAEL
By Profesor Israel Shahak & Norton Mezvinsky
London: Pluto Press
Oh look! The same con artist!
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote: THE JEWS
By Hilaire Belloc
Published by Constable & Company, Limited 1922
Another amazing example!
Belloc: "His Catholic faith had a strong impact on his works."
"Jewish historian Todd Edelman identifies Catholic writers as central critics. In his opinion:
The most virulent attacks in the Marconi affair were launched by Hilaire Belloc and the brothers Cecil and G.K. Chesterton, whose hostility to Jews was linked to their opposition to liberalism, their backward-looking Catholicism, and the nostalgia for a medieval Catholic Europe that they imagined was ordered, harmonious, and homogeneous. The Jew baiting at the time of the Boer War and the Marconi scandal was linked to a broader protest, mounted in the main by the Radical wing of the Liberal Party, against the growing visibility of successful businessmen in national life and their challenges to what were seen as traditional English values.[34]"
Your sources seem very very biased and phony, so far...
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote: THE JEW AS CRIMINAL
By J. Keller and Hanns Andersen
Translation by R. Belser of
Der Judeals Verb recher
von J. Keller und Hanns Andersen
Nibelungen-Verlag, Berlin und Leipzig, 1937
Wait what?! A German author from 1937??
Why am I not surprised to find this:
![[Image: Untitled_zpsnpzmzpwt.png]](
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote: THE DISPOSSESSED MAJORITY
By Wilmot Robertson
Howard Hallen Cape Canaveral
The Dispossessed Majority was decried as a white supremacist book when notice of it was mailed to students at the Marist School and the Lovett School in 1987.
I don't even have to read the books...
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote: THEY: DARE TO SPEAK OUT"
People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby
By Paul Findley
Lawrence Hill Books
The New York Times review by Adam Clymer, noting that Findley had been defeated by "a combination of an able opponent, the recession, redistricting and a heavy infusion of money from pro-Israel political action committees", described the book as "an angry, one-sided book that seems often to be little more than a stringing together of stray incidents".[3]
Well, so Israel has lobbied to influence some US policies! Wow! I'm shocked! Certainly something the US have never done!
Not in Cuba.... not in Venezuela.... not in Afghanistan... no where.... of course!
Remember something about glass houses?
So, to sum it up, your sources are biased, agenda ridden filth. Congratulations for eating up garbage.
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote:(June 19, 2017 at 9:35 am)pocaracas Wrote: Just like all conspiracy theorists have facts and numbers glued together by less than spit.
You are going "against peaceful constructive people who live their lives by caring other peaceful members of the society", by targeting jews who integrate into society....
This statement is a good example of your ignorance. Unlike other ethnicities, in entire Jewish history Jews never ever were the integral part of other ethnic community even though they live in the midst of other ethnicities. They always preferred segregation over intermingling. Talmud and every book on Jews reflect only one fact i.e. “Jews are aliens.”
“The Jews are an alien body within the society they inhabit hence irritation and friction a problem is presented by the strains thus set up the solution of that problem is urgently necessary.
An alien body in any organism is disposed of in one of two ways: elimination and segregation.”
Page 3
The Jews
By Hilaire Belloc
Published by Constable & Company, Limited 1922
Well... I know my History.
At some point in the far past, in Portugal, Jews lived peacefully practicing their own religion. After most of Europe abolished them, they found some refuge in Portugal... this was around the 15th or 16th century, I think...
Eventually, the pope applied enough pressure on the Portuguese king and Jews were abolished there too. However, they were given the option to convert.
And thus the new Christians were formed.
But how to make sure they were Christian? ah... cleverly, the investigative panel decided that if they hadn't converted, they'd refuse to eat pork... so, any previously jewish household that didn't have any pork in their diet didn't really convert and would have to be kicked out... where to, I know not.
Anyway, so the clever "new christians" came up with a new kind of sausage. Lots kinda like a normal pork sausage, but it's made of anything but pork, the Alheira. It then grew in popularity and now everyone has Alheira, mostly stuffed with chicken, turkey or rabbit meat.
It worked, sure... but nowadays (or rather in the early 20th century), the descendants of those jews of old have become integrated and are as Christian as anybody else.
They integrated perfectly. May have taken more than a century, more than 2 or 3 generations... but they did. So will the Muslims.
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote:(June 19, 2017 at 9:35 am)pocaracas Wrote: I never attended a History University course, so I wouldn't know what students there are reading... But I did provide you a wiki link.
I only know broad strokes of history and it seems to be more than you know...
But, in case you do know something that I don't, feel free to teach me... .maybe point in the right direction.... those University textbooks, for example.
So, you must attend a History Course before talking on History. I am not a teacher and I did not join Atheist Forum as a teacher. I am here to expose the truth and that is what I am doing. Maximum, I can give few recommendations that may help you in learning process.
So far, your recommendations don't seem to be very enlightening.
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote:(June 19, 2017 at 9:35 am)pocaracas Wrote: First, I didn't say any of that.
Secondly, given that anything non-muslim is seen, by you, as jewish, I'm going to suppose you mean that the russians are supplying AK-47s to the middle East and those also find their way to Daesh.
Lastly, what I meant to say was that Daesh recruit young poor people and brainwash them.
My response was right on spot. It is you who do not have idea of what you are writing.
Regarding question of Russian or American weapons in hands of Daesh watch this video.
Right.... a conspiracy theory video is bound to convince me... sure...
![Dodgy Dodgy](
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote:(June 19, 2017 at 9:35 am)pocaracas Wrote: Dude.... from my point of view, that last verse renders all the holy books null.... at least the parts that pertain to messages from "Allah", god, or equivalent divinities.
It seems to me that whoever wrote that was shooting himself in the foot!
Or perhaps, Whosoever wrote Quran is giving a dire warning about what is ahead of you on the path you have chosen for you.
Anyway, here is a challenge for you from the Author of Quran.
“Do they not consider the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been from other Than Allah, they would surely have found therein Much discrepancy.”
An Nisaa (4)
-Verse 82-
“We have, without doubt, sent down the Message (Quran); and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).”
Al Hijr (15)
-Verse 9-
Just because a text is being faithfully reproduced, it doesn't mean that the contents of that book are anymore trustworthy than any other book from ancient times.
If only there was some way to check the veracity of that old text... But it seems that only the illiterate guy in the cavern could get the word... and no one else may hear the words of the divine... riiiight!
(June 20, 2017 at 4:40 am)Harris Wrote:(June 19, 2017 at 9:35 am)pocaracas Wrote: Sure.... good luck with that.
Hey wait, isn't the guy dead?... as in a 1300 year old corpse?
Whenever a belief system exists, unbelievers will exist.
I do not want to believe. I want to know.
If it requires belief and is unverifiable, then it is most likely wrong. If it's most likely wrong, why believe in it?
The world is moving past the belief systems of old... it seems only those trapped in those old times still think that some religion will conquer the world. it will not.
In Europe, most of the sub-40 population is non-believing. It will take some time to out-breed that lot... and by the time Middle-Easterns do that (if they ever do that).... heck, they'll go back to being non-believers, because they will have learned and raised above the old tribal systems.
Time is on the side of reason.
Even Jews in the West are now mostly "cultural"... the religious part is mostly gone and dying.
Muslims who integrate will follow. Muslims who don't integrate will continue blowing themselves up without offspring, so Darwinism takes over.
“Natural selection, the blind, unconscious, automatic process which Darwin discovered, and which we now know is the explanation for the existence and apparently purposeful form of all life has no purpose in mind. It has no mind and no mind’s eye. It does not plan for the future. It has no vison, no foresight, and no sight at all.”
Page 5
The Blind Watchmaker
Richard Dawkins.
Replace “Natural Selection” with “Atheism” and “Darwin” with “Jews” and you get a perfect definition of Atheism.
Your ramble only validates this definition.
Sure, change the subject....