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Analysis of the Bible (Starting from beginning)
December 23, 2017 at 12:42 am
Season Greetings everyone,
I been reading the Bible as of late.
I read Genesis, Exodus, and little bit of numbers chronologically, while before I been just bits and parts of the Bible.
I have not read the whole Bible.
I will be posting my reflections on each chapter. I have a lot on my mind and feel I can prove there is a beautiful light in the Bible that ironically the Bible seeks to put out itself.
It emphasizes on important things only to be later diminished, it manifests light and a path of God only to diminish that path and do away with it.
It no doubt shows the way of God and you can find the door and path to God verified in it, but, it also seeks to put it away and diminish it.
I will not cherry pick but will be going through reflections of the bible through the analysis of it's context with both all out charitable reading (giving the benefit of the doubt) and all out critical eye (looking for faults if there are some).
May God guide us to the straight path that leads to him.
Genesis overall is beautiful with just a couple of suspicious things, Exodus mostly good, but then things starting going south, then north, then you get the mixed thing that you don't really know where it's going sort of thing and are left no clue to what all the verses were all about.
We have to analyze Genesis and Exodus first, they are prime from my understanding, and there is an overall very good message that proves a lot of things and manifests great wisdom.
I've read Pslams and those are awesome.
But stay tuned.... Will be commenting on each chapter soon.
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RE: Analysis of the Bible (Starting from beginning)
December 23, 2017 at 12:54 am
Are you sure it's ok for you to be reading Yahwey's personal diary?
It has been know to poison one's mind to the point where the devil makes them pick up science books instead!
Tread carefully my friend!
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RE: Analysis of the Bible (Starting from beginning)
December 23, 2017 at 12:56 am
Quote: I will not cherry pick but will be going through reflections of the bible
You cherry picked when you selected whatever bible it is that you chose to read. There are many and they do not agree.
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RE: Analysis of the Bible (Starting from beginning)
December 23, 2017 at 2:38 am
Geeez, MK, you could do much better with your reading time than that. Why not pick up a great novel?
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RE: Analysis of the Bible (Starting from beginning)
December 23, 2017 at 8:31 am
Genesis 1
These parables seem to be important in that they are making way and alluding to future parables in the bible. Heaven and earth without form, what was that, you will see later Adam is told to that the tree of life was forbidden so he doesn't become one of the "gods/highly exalted ones" by the snake.
Adam having form wanted to transcend it and make to the place of proximity. Little did he know that the form would help him get to the place of proximity and was needed, and when he wished to transcend it and ate of the tree he exposed himself to a judgment and standard he was not ready for.
Although genesis 1 has not talked about Adam, it is obvious it is making way, by these allusions to his trial and the trial of mankind in general.
The creation in 6 days doesn't seem to me to be about physical waters or physical earth, but about the creation of the metaphysical world.
This is because God is not a dictator and because he wishes people to perceive things for their own merit rather than dictate. As for physical creation there is no way for humans to know, but as for spiritual "days" and "nights", this is something we can all verify, through reflection over our souls.
These parables of water, fruit, food, and days and nights, and the spirit of God upon the waters are important in that they also making way for the story of Noah.
The lights although physically makes sense to be the stars, we will see are allusions in the dream of Joseph, and stars in genesis here are symbolic of the names of God, the Navigators, the Kings of God on earth.
The spiritual Archetypes of everything was created before taking on physical form, and to understand what Adam craved, one must understand that in God separated the heavens and earth, after they were together, and he created different fruits and animals etc, all from one water and he separated things into stages, and thereby he can try us which one of us is best in works.
The first trial was when his spirit was on water.
Adam craved that water and sought to transcend multiplicity to a place where all the archetypes of these were found in higher form, where God rests and is to be found.
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RE: Analysis of the Bible (Starting from beginning)
December 23, 2017 at 8:35 am
huh, I can understand min and whatevs, but ignoramus too? Why are you all talking to a wall?
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RE: Analysis of the Bible (Starting from beginning)
December 23, 2017 at 8:44 am
(This post was last modified: December 23, 2017 at 9:04 am by Mystic.)
Genesis 2
Adam being the great witness from God as he was, was the one to name and give the names to each everything. What does name here mean? Does it mean some sounds used to symbolize it or God reminding that everything got it's reality from God's witnessing it for what it is, and chose Adam to inform of the "names" of all things for what they are.
Adam teacher of the names and true identity of all things, was a witness from God.
I looked at the translations of the rivers and these seem to be symbolic and will be important to recall later in the bible.
The tree he was not suppose to be spoken for obviously had to do with the formless previous nature of the universe, which now manifested in many stages and levels, and multiplicity.
When Adam slept perhaps it was symbolic that he was made to forget a part of himself, which God hid from him, and then created it with Eve and so that he would due to that slumber find a companion and not be alone.
This is important to see because we will see both Adam and Eve seek to transcend their nature by eating of the forbidden fruit. And so they were a little heedless of their humanity and on a mission to get to proximity to God in which ironically they already had in a form that humans would later all crave and want to return to that garden.
Genesis 3
Eve's intention obviously was to obey God in beginning, but as she was tricked, that God meant by dying that you will leave your current form and transcend into those higher beings in the place of proximity of God and you will see as they see, and know the knowledge they know.
They weren't hateful or willfully disobedient to God, but, thought God advised them only so they continue to enjoy the garden. And then they thought it was a trial and the real thing God wants them to do is eat of the tree and that he forbid them only to see if they loved him enough to transcend that.
The snake knew Adam and Eve had a weakness, and that was, they loved God more than anything and hence were naturally biased to wanting to get closer to him.
He took advantage of that.
And this important in defining sin.
Sin is not only always malevolent, it can have the best of intentions. Adam and Eve were blinded by love and they took a course of action based on someone they knew they could not fully trust even though he swore by God, and when he swore by God, due to their truthful nature believed him.
This also making head way with the issue of "eye of jealousy".
Although Adam and Eve didn't wish any bad on anyone with that sense of envy, their eating of the tree was obviously symbolic of do not come with jealous eyes wanting to attain this place of proximity of these exalted high chosen ones. Be satisfied with what I have given you and do not come near this tree.
We will see this jealousy takes on worse forms with the story of two sons of Adam, and also will be a common theme in telling the story of the household of Abraham and the chosen Kings from his offspring.
And although Adam and Eve didn't wish evil on anyone, it harmed themselves. We will see later that this jealousy can take forms of evil envy to the extent of murder.
And it's common theme through out.
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RE: Analysis of the Bible (Starting from beginning)
December 23, 2017 at 12:13 pm
Errrm.... if you're gonna read fiction at least read something well written like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?.
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RE: Analysis of the Bible (Starting from beginning)
December 23, 2017 at 1:41 pm
(This post was last modified: December 23, 2017 at 2:22 pm by Mystic.)
Genesis 4
The subject hand is that God accepted from one person and he didn't the other. This an important theme as we see jealousy towards pious community that follow the chosen ones and rebellion against them by wicked people is common.
We saw the serpent was against Adam and now we see a human hate another human, because God accepted from one human his offering and not the other.
Another thing that caught my attention aside from emphasizing on the issue of jealousy from humans towards others because God accepts one and rejects the other, and telling of the two brothers, is the that name Seth.
The name Seth means appointed. And the first successor of the first King and Leader appointed among humans, is named "appointed".
When God speaks he speaks out of wisdom so we will see something going on and linkage of topics.
The first thing is it starts with defining light and darkness, good and evil, and the reality of things as they are. Then it talks about a reality, particularly a tree, and the trial with respect to it the first humans (Adam and Eve) faced regarding it.
The fall had to do with innocent type jealousy not malicious type, but the love of Adam and Eve to get to proximity to God made them fall and their lack of vigilance against the enemy of God and them.
Then we see the story of Adam and his two sons, and that God accepts from some humans but not others, because he looks at their hearts and knows what their intentions are.
Then it goes on to talk about "Seth" who means "Appointed" and so we see there is emphasis already that God chooses who he pleases, and accepts from who he pleases, as he knows the hearts of humans and what they hide even from themselves.
The parables that make way for the issue of salvation through God's appointed one, and story of Noah and the ark, pertains to that. Then we will see it emphasizes on exactly who was truly close and most dear at much higher level of closeness and dearness to Abraham, and as well as Isaac, as well as Jacob.
Important in all this is also Lut who is Abraham's cousin.
Which then will pave way for the exodus, and the position of Aaron and his sons among the children of Israel.
Up to this point there is a uniform emphasis and message.
Then things will go south after that. I will comment on all these chapters.
And they are emphasizing on a central message of divine leadership and kingship and authority of his anointed chosen ones, which are the true Kings, and were of the lights created that preceded before the universe took on physical form as alluded in the beginning.
This is all important to what Jesus will emphasize on.
Last comment going back to this chapter is the phrase by which it ends.
The son of Seth is called "mortal" (Enosh) which shows that he is bound to die as well.
This also important in that God appoints mortals from now on, and although Adam was meant not to die, all Kings appointed will be mortals bound for death and decay at a certain time. Also important in that, is Enoch who God took and didn't allow him to do die.
Keep this in mind, as the long life of Noah is important with this emphasis. Noah lived a long long life, but still eventually left the earth and died.
And the other thing is the phrase "And people began to call themselves with the name of God", is so important and vital.
The name of God and word of God on earth, is the Leader and True Exalted Guide and King, but you will see people take this position of the name of God and it leads to corruption.
People vie to lead others though they are not sure they themselves are guided and teach what they have no knowledge of. Aside from the deceivers and liars.
This makes way for the story of Noah and reminder of Enoch who God took to himself.
As for Noah it means consultation, comfort, and this an important name, because the issue of the prayer of Moses and Aaron, as well, as Ali with respect to Mohammad, and the Leaders from the offspring of Aaron, and the Leaders from offspring of Ali, all tie to this.
God not only chooses meaningful names, and picks the best names for that time. And in understanding the wisdom behind all this, one begins to understand what the central message is.
Humans began to call themselves with the name of God through such position didn't belong to them. What is the name of God? We will see the Gospel manifests it, later on, in a more elaborate and emphasized way, while there are allusions to it here.
Genesis 5.
Enoch although mortal was taken up and no longer on earth.
Noah was said to be Noah because he was to be a comfort in the land that God has cursed. Comfort for the pious yet destruction for those who continue in their rebellion.
And the fact it talks about the land that God has cursed shows that corruption all stemmed from people taking the name of God for themselves, something we will see alluded to later with the priest office as well.
Another thing that was emphasized was that Enoch, Seth, they were all in the image of God and they were like Adam.
And this shows Adam was indeed exalted chosen and pure.
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RE: Analysis of the Bible (Starting from beginning)
December 23, 2017 at 3:02 pm
Reading never hurts; especially in holy texts of other religions like Christianity.
The more you read, the more you expand your knowledge.