The source of all religion is the natural self of man ‑ the expression of the fallen nature of the flesh exercising dominion over the soul. As evidenced by these verses and by the history of all the religions of the world, the result of this source is always division and confusion. God is not the author of confusion. Who is?
They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh that whosoever killeth you shall think that he offereth service unto God. (John 16:2)
What god does religion serve? Satan!!!
In discussing the world's religions, I am putting them in the same category with pagan religions. The relationship of the world's religions to paganism is a documented historical fact, indeed, the ancestry of both categories of religions can be traced back in origin to the Babylonian worship established by Nimrod. What, then, is the true purpose of religion?
The entire purpose of religion is to externalize spiritual truth: to substitute worthless outward rituals, symbolism, and self‑effort for the truth that can only be apprehended in spirit. There is some "truth" in all religions, but it is truth that has been so distorted and mixed in with falsehood that it becomes not only useless but also deadly. How much we underestimate the subtlety of Satan!
What can be said with respect to the religions of the world is this: Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius and all other such religious figures are still buried in the grave; but Jesus Christ alone is risen from the dead!