Intelligent design has to be one of the dumbest things ever conceived. It was basically conceived because the US courts banned the teaching of Christian Creationism. So in response some Christians decided to come up with Intelligent design in order to have creationism to be seen as a science.
Basically it is creationism (mixed with an appeal to the god of gaps) dressed up to appear as a legitimate scientific theory. Intelligent design advocates argue in things such as irreducible complexity, specified complexity, a fine tuned Universe led to an intelligent designer (their speak for Yahweh). Fortunately real scientists and the courts have seen through this charade and seen it for the pseudoscience it is.
I have to confess I actually prefer the Young Earth Creationists over the Intelligent Design people, because they honest about their belief Yahweh creating the universe and everything in it.
Basically it is creationism (mixed with an appeal to the god of gaps) dressed up to appear as a legitimate scientific theory. Intelligent design advocates argue in things such as irreducible complexity, specified complexity, a fine tuned Universe led to an intelligent designer (their speak for Yahweh). Fortunately real scientists and the courts have seen through this charade and seen it for the pseudoscience it is.
I have to confess I actually prefer the Young Earth Creationists over the Intelligent Design people, because they honest about their belief Yahweh creating the universe and everything in it.