Always good for a few laughs!
As an aside, Price is demonstrating the melding of the different OT sources and showing how they were (piss-poorly) combined into the tale we have now.
Quote:The Leaky Noah’s Ark Tale
Quote:[The Noah flood story] is a derivative version of demonstrably much older flood epics from the same area, including the Gilgamesh epic [Sumerian], the Atrahasis epic [Akkadian], the story of Xisuthros [Sumerian], and that of Deucalion and Pyrrha [Greek], all of whom survived the world-devastating flood by setting sail in a protective ark, most of them bringing the animals along for the ride. We find all the familiar details: The decision of the gods to flood the world for some offense committed by the human race, the stipulated dimensions of the ark, the provision for the animals, the onset of the rains, the number of days the flood lasted, the naming of the spot the ark came to rest, the sending forth of birds to find dry ground, the emergence of the refugees, their sacrifice, and the promise of the gods never to doom the world thusly ever again. It’s all there, at least most of it in most versions.
As an aside, Price is demonstrating the melding of the different OT sources and showing how they were (piss-poorly) combined into the tale we have now.