So . . .
I saw a meme the other day that said something like, "Don't exercise because you hate your body. Exercise because you love it." That got me thinking that we need a new challenge here. So, as the grand poobah, otherwise known as OP, of the AF Biggest Loser thread, I'd like to announce @Jackalope as the biggest loser. Motherfucker really followed through, and we're all proud of him. Now, we can move on to the Love Your Body Challenge, if you guys like it.
The idea is that we do something for our bodies every day. Whoever comes into the thread first on any given day can post a challenge like "Eat a whole meal consisting of vegetables" or "Run/walk a mile." Anyone wishing to participate can do that challenge, talk about it, take pictures, whatever. If more than one challenge gets posted in a day (I think I'm being hopeful here), pick the one you like the most. Remember, please make your challenges attainable and don't be afraid to tweak a challenge to fit your fitness level/health.
If we don't get enough activity for a challenge a day, we can always just sporadically post. Any little bit of love we can give our flesh bags helps.
I'll start with a challenge of 15 minutes of calisthenics of the intensity of your choosing. YouTube has a ton of great work outs. I like the Nike app, as well as a few others. Love yourself for 15 minutes today . . . then do some calisthenics.
I saw a meme the other day that said something like, "Don't exercise because you hate your body. Exercise because you love it." That got me thinking that we need a new challenge here. So, as the grand poobah, otherwise known as OP, of the AF Biggest Loser thread, I'd like to announce @Jackalope as the biggest loser. Motherfucker really followed through, and we're all proud of him. Now, we can move on to the Love Your Body Challenge, if you guys like it.
The idea is that we do something for our bodies every day. Whoever comes into the thread first on any given day can post a challenge like "Eat a whole meal consisting of vegetables" or "Run/walk a mile." Anyone wishing to participate can do that challenge, talk about it, take pictures, whatever. If more than one challenge gets posted in a day (I think I'm being hopeful here), pick the one you like the most. Remember, please make your challenges attainable and don't be afraid to tweak a challenge to fit your fitness level/health.
If we don't get enough activity for a challenge a day, we can always just sporadically post. Any little bit of love we can give our flesh bags helps.
I'll start with a challenge of 15 minutes of calisthenics of the intensity of your choosing. YouTube has a ton of great work outs. I like the Nike app, as well as a few others. Love yourself for 15 minutes today . . . then do some calisthenics.