RE: My Desperate Testimony
April 20, 2011 at 1:06 am
(This post was last modified: April 20, 2011 at 1:22 am by reverendjeremiah.)
Jstump Wrote:I tell you this out of desperation !!
Oh FUCK! Here we go again...
Jstump Wrote:If you wish to debate or deny it ...fine !!
Liar. You dont want it debated or denied. You want to "save" us.
Jstump Wrote:But read and understand ... first please !!!
$10 bucks says you havent even read your Bible cover to cover.
Jstump Wrote:This may be your first AND last chance...
..and a hearty "fuck you" too. Im so fucking afraid of your imaginary Hell.
Jstump Wrote:I am part of the LIVING BODY OF CHRIST...
Jstump Wrote:Understand....I trust in and fear GODS COMMAND....
Fucking coward...afraid of the boogey man.
Jstump Wrote:" thou shalt not bear false witness "
If that were true, Christianity would have been dumped a long time ago, along with Islam, and Judaism, and...
Jstump Wrote:I tell my bring only PRAISE and GLORY to GOD...showing his TRUE character of LOVE and FORGIVENESS.
Jstump Wrote:I was adopted into a christian family.
Jstump Wrote:GOD in his WISDOM wrote JESUS is my SAVIOUR on my heart with his HOLY FIRE.
Jstump Wrote:Unfortunately the example from elders at the home I was raised in were NOT following GODS WORD and I was led away from GODS HOLY LIGHT.
Surely not only was it their fault, but yours as well...fucking loser!
Jstump Wrote:My life became utterly selfish and I was condemned in GODS sight
Oh the shame. How dare you enjoy your life. Now kneel before mean kneel before GOD!
Jstump Wrote:GOD stopped me from walking further from him, by allowing my soul to be sent to HELL.
Your god is such a prick. Thankfully I do not worship that asshat.
Jstump Wrote:I was taken out of my body and sent to a place of UTTER and COMPLETE darkness and silence.
Jstump Wrote:JESUS was there with GODS accuser, the father of lies.
Jstump Wrote:I was stunned and in disbelief.... I instantly gained the wisdom that all of GODS WORD was fact....not just another book.
Fucking delusional liar. Stop it. Just fucking stop the lies you egotistical fuckwad.
Jstump Wrote:I felt naked and ashamed.
Jstump Wrote:I prayed on my knees to JESUS through my heart and begged him to SAVE ME ! from that place and send me back to Earth no matter the difficulties.
LIAR! Honestly, you are a deluded hunk of lying, corn encrusted brown trout. Where is the handle so I can flush this shit down?
Jstump Wrote:And here I am.
Jstump Wrote:GOD has led me to this site to testify that GOD is the LIVING GOD and JESUS does SAVE our souls from GODS judgement.
..and I'm a pony. Actually I hope to grow up one day to be a beautiful unicorn and live forever in Lollipop Land with the Gilfers and Munchkins!
Jstump Wrote:I have also learnt that for JESUS to save me from myself and my sin...that he IS LOVE and FORGIVENESS.
..and I have learn
ed that my unicorn horn will contain great power if you only just believe. It hurts me when you refuse to believe? Why would you want to hurt me? All I want is your love.
Jstump Wrote:Because of my life-changing experience, I now understand the message of JESUS... to take the message of SALVATION to the WORLD ...and save as many people... from GODS judgement.

And dancing badger only wants the world to dance. If we are dancing, then we are not fighting! Isnt that wonderful sounding?