Alabama's NeoTheoRepubLibertariaNazis
May 30, 2011 at 11:38 am
(This post was last modified: May 30, 2011 at 12:37 pm by reverendjeremiah.)
First we have Eric Cantor refusing to hand out aid to Tornado survivors unless he is allowed to push his "Fuck the poor, love the rich" agenda...
...NOW we have FEMA trailers being outright BANNED:
Mayor Jack Scott is really trying hard to show his fellow rich cutthroat Republibertarian neo/theo con asswipes that he can take advantage of desperate people to make a profit as well.
Because to Republibertarianazi's... a natural disaster is something to take advantage of people with. Why give them free trailers when we can possibly empty their life savings by forcing them to live in motel rooms for a few months while we keep them in legal limbo with their insurance and other things.
So the union thugs ran those jobs over seas as well didnt they?!?! Thats why we need to vote for more people like compassionate conservative Mayor Jack Scott. I mean, look at how in touch with the people he is..of course everyone has a few hundred grand they got from fucking people and stabbing them in the back stashed away in a coffee can somewhere...
Wait a minute...those jobs didnt have union workers at all... Alabama DISPISES union workers..and these companies still folded/wnet over seas. So who do we blame for that?
I want to take my steel toed work boots and firmly plant one right up his ass as hard as I can..tar and feather than son-of-a-bitch and run him out of town on a rail as a reminder that the ultra rich are a very small minority and should be wary of where they step.
Here is a Republican supporter and his thoughts on the situation
Are you not suprised why these people vote for those con men? Anyone who can believe that SHIT, and look right at their own party members fucking you over, and still believe those lies and still vote Republican?
WTF?!?!? I cant help it... the older I get the less I can tolerant this ignorant shit.
Here is another one, I am guessing from a Libertarian, showing his political prowess of the situation
Democrats actually hold office in Alabama? Liberals actually hold office in Alabama?
So let me get this straight..if a jack ass Republican fucks over people, then I am being a fool not to blame the Democrats as well?
God damn..I can honestly say that today I am EMBARRASSED to be an American citizen. To be honest, I sometimes think of moving to another country..perhaps the Netherlands, Iceland, or Canada.
Just goes to show in a country that dispises education. Look here at this other article about some kids being paid by a business executive not to go to college for 2 years so they can focus on inventing things.... the comments are slam full of stupid americans saying stupid shit, like:
Nope..I cant think of one....and
So tired of the ignorance and hatefulness in my country.
...NOW we have FEMA trailers being outright BANNED:
Mayor Jack Scott is really trying hard to show his fellow rich cutthroat Republibertarian neo/theo con asswipes that he can take advantage of desperate people to make a profit as well.
Because to Republibertarianazi's... a natural disaster is something to take advantage of people with. Why give them free trailers when we can possibly empty their life savings by forcing them to live in motel rooms for a few months while we keep them in legal limbo with their insurance and other things.
Quote:The cotton mill, brick plant and coal mine that once made Cordova prosperous shut down years ago, but native Tony Tidwell said leaders seem to believe residents are flush with cash and can afford to build big, new houses to replace the mobile homes and small frame homes that twisters blew away.
So the union thugs ran those jobs over seas as well didnt they?!?! Thats why we need to vote for more people like compassionate conservative Mayor Jack Scott. I mean, look at how in touch with the people he is..of course everyone has a few hundred grand they got from fucking people and stabbing them in the back stashed away in a coffee can somewhere...
Wait a minute...those jobs didnt have union workers at all... Alabama DISPISES union workers..and these companies still folded/wnet over seas. So who do we blame for that?
I want to take my steel toed work boots and firmly plant one right up his ass as hard as I can..tar and feather than son-of-a-bitch and run him out of town on a rail as a reminder that the ultra rich are a very small minority and should be wary of where they step.
Here is a Republican supporter and his thoughts on the situation
P Wrote:To those who think this sounds like a typical Republican - you may be right...because if he were a Democrat he would have BOUGHT them all a trailer so that they would be indebted to the government...and he would convince them that they will NEVER be able to be self sufficient again...that they need Food Stamps and Welfare to go with that new trailer he bought them...and they need to sign up for Obamacare immediately and he will see that is paid for too. This guy is totally a jerk but so far as I can see...he is not a typical Republican in any manner. Sorry guys..
Are you not suprised why these people vote for those con men? Anyone who can believe that SHIT, and look right at their own party members fucking you over, and still believe those lies and still vote Republican?
WTF?!?!? I cant help it... the older I get the less I can tolerant this ignorant shit.
Here is another one, I am guessing from a Libertarian, showing his political prowess of the situation
Harry The Hook Wrote:You fools that blame republicans, and not the democrats, and you idiots that blame democrats and not the republicans, are just fooling yourselves. Everybody in that area that is not doing all they can to alieviate the pain and suffering are part of the problem. If they hold an office, they should be removed, and never allowed to hold any office again. That's what's wrong with this country today, too many democrats, and republicans, and not enough AMERICANS..
Democrats actually hold office in Alabama? Liberals actually hold office in Alabama?
So let me get this straight..if a jack ass Republican fucks over people, then I am being a fool not to blame the Democrats as well?
God damn..I can honestly say that today I am EMBARRASSED to be an American citizen. To be honest, I sometimes think of moving to another country..perhaps the Netherlands, Iceland, or Canada.
Just goes to show in a country that dispises education. Look here at this other article about some kids being paid by a business executive not to go to college for 2 years so they can focus on inventing things.... the comments are slam full of stupid americans saying stupid shit, like:
William Wrote:Some of the dumbest people I've known were college grads.and
Steinwald Wrote:Our educational system has gone from teaching students how to think to what to think. Skipping college will definitely give them an advantage over college graduates with these scholarships.and
Gussyboy Wrote:college has never been the ticket out of poverty.common sense is and will always be....just think of the brilliant human beings who never went to school and gave mankind great inventions that have improved our lives forever.
Nope..I cant think of one....and
QB fan Wrote:Maximizing your God-given talent(s) is the ticket out of poverty..
So tired of the ignorance and hatefulness in my country.