For tackatack
In an earlier thread I offered you some evidence supporting big G.
It concerns omnipotence.
The babble gives god the attribute almighty. Every theologian since whenever quotes this as omnipotence. As you know, this means the logical absurdity that god can bake a cake so large he can’t eat it.
Your arguments that god is all powerful as long as what he does is possible don’t hold water, and you know it. They are the merest semantic sophistry. Legerdemain.
I have genuine scientific evidence that will support full blown omnipotence.
(not proof – I’m scientific… so proof is not in my purview)
I can let you have it. The cost will be – your soul!
If you genuinely consider I’ve sold you a lemon then I will go to a church service! Twice!
With best regards Lucifer.
This is a genuine offer. AFAIK no-one else has spotted it.
In an earlier thread I offered you some evidence supporting big G.
It concerns omnipotence.
The babble gives god the attribute almighty. Every theologian since whenever quotes this as omnipotence. As you know, this means the logical absurdity that god can bake a cake so large he can’t eat it.
Your arguments that god is all powerful as long as what he does is possible don’t hold water, and you know it. They are the merest semantic sophistry. Legerdemain.
I have genuine scientific evidence that will support full blown omnipotence.
(not proof – I’m scientific… so proof is not in my purview)
I can let you have it. The cost will be – your soul!
If you genuinely consider I’ve sold you a lemon then I will go to a church service! Twice!
With best regards Lucifer.
This is a genuine offer. AFAIK no-one else has spotted it.