Once you believe one incredible thing, your threshold for belief goes down and down, just like things in a toilet. (Incredible=not credible, lacks credibility)
My wife’s 1st ex-hub telephoned today from North Carolina. He is concerned about the “nuclear disaster” now unfolding in Nebraska, and is worried if we are okay.
I sent this to Dave S, my long time friend from the Navy and now physicist; Dave K, a scientist in Omaha where the plant is located; my brother-in-law Mike, a geologist, Earth scientist, and educator; my sister (an actress, you always need an actor’s opinion on world events); and my parents, because they like conspiracy theories; for their commentaries.
My wife’s 1st ex- called to warn about the “cover-up” at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station, operated by the Omaha Public Power District, about twenty miles north of Omaha. It is located on the Missouri River and currently subject to extreme flooding. Another power plant downstream from Omaha may also come under water.
Searches on the Internet including the search term “Omaha World-Herald” placed three pages of conspiracy theory Websites above the newspaper. Wow. There must be a real conspiracy if every blogger in the world knows about it.
Yahoo! News carried an excerpt from the largest English newspaper in Pakistan, The Nation. The plant was placed in cold shutdown in April for maintenance and refueling, and has not been restarted due to the floods. They claim that the Russian Atomic Regulatory Agency reports the “Obama regime” has ordered a total news blackout on reporting after a catastrophic event at the plant on the level of Three Mile Island, including a core meltdown of the Fort Calhoun plant.
On the other hand, the Omaha World-Herald, Omaha’s largest English-language newspaper, is blithely reporting (with photos) during this “news blackout.” Its latest report in clear violation of the blackout order: http://www.omaha.com/article/20110617/NEWS01/706179913
I went to the trouble of hunting down The Nation article, which can be found here: http://nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newsp...ant-report
Likewise, KETV channel seven (ABC) in Omaha is ignoring the blackout order, and also trying to dispel the fast-breaking conspiracy theory of a meltdown at Fort Calhoun (video): http://www.ketv.com/r/28281114/detail.html
And that bastion of newsworthiness, Under the Mountain Bunker Blog (top of the searches, way above the World-Herald, their motto is “Come for the Apocalypse, stay for the coffee!”) http://underthemountainbunker.com/2011/0...nd-cooper/
I think I will send this to Snopes.com too. Barbara Mikkelson will get a kick out of this.
"Be ye not lost amongst Precept of Order." - Book of Uterus, 1:5, "Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her."