(October 24, 2012 at 9:59 pm)KichigaiNeko Wrote: ![[Image: 156683_291445347622911_800823055_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/156683_291445347622911_800823055_n.jpg)
Hands down, the black pill of course.
Yellow Pill = I already know what's on my friends minds ... some boring-ass shit.
Green Pill = I can already fly all day long. Planes, hot air balloons, Ultralite, helicopter. See aviation.
Blue Pill = What sport is worth dying early?!? Also, if you apply yourself you may master it anyway. Dur
Orange Pill = I already have this pill ... it's called Norco
Red Pill = dumbest one on the list. Get a smartphone and access the internet 24/7. Seriously, what a waste of a pill!
Pink Pill = Why? Are you robbing banks? Do you not like yourself? Get a damn haircut, a tattoo and a new wardrobe. Total waste of a pill unless you're intent on becoming a criminal.
Grey Pill = I also already have this pill. I touch lives .. and they love me

Black Pill = Awesome Pill. The only one that has endless possibilities. Who cares if you get yourself into a bit of trouble ... you can see the damn future.