RE: The Catholic Church evolves
March 3, 2009 at 7:48 am
Yeah, interesting point Kyu.
Just because this hypothetical God would take an easier way out and just start life off and let it evolve; - it doesn't mean the God is
incapable of doing all that micromanaging. It just means it is not doing the unecessary, is; arguably much more elegant in going about its creation

, - and is not 'showing off' needlessly so for that reason, also (at least in my eyes) is arguably less of a shallow-minded git

"Oh look at me I can move everything at once and create or the little wiccle and biggy wiggy animals (P.S: I'm a git!)."
Arguably perhaps creating the process - and coming up with the idea - of evolution would take a lot of work...; although on the other hand evolution, and particularly natural selection, is a very simple idea
And yeah; if God isn't capable of doing it arguably the easier way, and he has to mess about and micromanage, then he's a bit limited for a (or THE :S) so called omnipotent God eh?
At least the Vatican is moving on having the idea of accepting evolution. Of course I assume they'll continue to believe in creation though!!