So I finally bit the bullet and posted on facebook. I said that I am an atheist and I didn't think it was fair that Christians could post all of the christian stuff but as an atheist I felt worried about posting, so I basically said that was changing that day! Ever since then I've openly posted things I thought were funny! That was 2 days ago and I have very stratigically been avoiing talking to my family.
You know, no messages, no phone calls, blah blah. Even though I really wanted to call my dad at times, I still avoided it.
Soooo I had heard nothing from them for two days so I just enjoyed being free to be me! Until today. I received a message today from my grandmother and here it is.
Here's the fantastically hilarious links, just in case you're curious. - this guy is babbling about how on the 23rd of September the star of Bethlehem will be visible. - Uh another video about the 23rd of September.
Not sure how any of this is supposed to make me change my mind.
I'll just say I'm sure. for sure. But this is my grandmother so I have to be polite, here's what I finally decided to say in response.
I typed and retyped that a lot. My goal was to not start an argument but to explain myself.
So That's all I have for now. if things get interesting I will update ya'll.
You know, no messages, no phone calls, blah blah. Even though I really wanted to call my dad at times, I still avoided it.
Soooo I had heard nothing from them for two days so I just enjoyed being free to be me! Until today. I received a message today from my grandmother and here it is.
Quote:Good morning! I saw on your FB page that you are an atheist. We all have one life to live to make our decisions about life and death - we all have to choose our path. I love you so much and respect that you can choose what you want. Just research your choices - we all have an eternity to live with them. I'm sending you a few youtube videos to watch. I hope you'll watch them and it'll help with your decisions. You've got [My son] that you'll take with you.
Here's the fantastically hilarious links, just in case you're curious. - this guy is babbling about how on the 23rd of September the star of Bethlehem will be visible. - Uh another video about the 23rd of September.
Not sure how any of this is supposed to make me change my mind.
Quote:I'm not judging you - I love you and want you to be sure.
I'll just say I'm sure. for sure. But this is my grandmother so I have to be polite, here's what I finally decided to say in response.
Quote:Mimi I love you guys so much, It's not something I took lightly.. I did a lot of research and this is what I feel is right. I've never been so sure.
I typed and retyped that a lot. My goal was to not start an argument but to explain myself.
So That's all I have for now. if things get interesting I will update ya'll.