So, here are all the questions that were sent to me.
1. You seem to be very respectful and tolerant of other religions. I ask this without asserting that people of your religion are intolerant, but that I note intolerance in Abrahamic religions as a rule. I wonder, have you developed this tolerance yourself through life experiences or were you raised to be respectful of others, regardless of religion? I realize that is a personal question, so please feel free to ignore it, if you wish.
I would like to break this question into 2 smaller parts which are:
(a) You note that there is an intolerance in Abrahamic religions as a rule (which logically implies that Islam is also intolerant according to that statement) and
(b) You want to know what causes me to be so respectful and tolerant of other religions.
I'll answer them as briefly as I can although it can be much longer than this.
For the first one, I'll state my own opinions and my reasons for them even though most likely you will not agree with me. So, basically, Islam doesn't teach us to be intolerant of other religions and not even to atheists because that is contrary to many of the Quranic verses and here are some of them:
Plus, two articles:
Can Muslims be friends with Jews and Christians?
Is there anti-Semitism in the Quran?
You may find other verses which seem to contradict those verses, but I've discussed them in several other threads such as here, here, and here. And even then, there are also some of you who told me, "Well Rayaan, you and your fellow Muslims can interpret your holy horseshit to mean whatever you want it to be" which I don't agree with but, ultimately, each to his own.
For the second part of the question:
The reason that I am generally respectful to others is because of (1) everything that I stated above (2) that is simply the way that I like to talk to others and (3) sometimes I don't know well enough about a certain topic, and therefore, I don't feel that it is right for me to tell them that they are wrong or that I disagree with their views in a harsh manner. For example, in this thread, I challenged the Christian members to refute some of the arguments on why Jesus is not God and to explain the Christian veiw of a Trinity. Then, at a certain point, I realized that I am not knowledgeable enough to debate on the topic anymore. So, that's when I decide to leave the discussion while knowing that there is a possibility that I could be wrong.
Occasionally, however, I do sort of throw respect out the window and post whatever that comes to mind (although I never tried to intentionally piss off anyone). But, almost everyone does that here and there and that's okay. The important thing is not to go so far as to break the rules of the forum.
2. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
I think it would be procrastination because I tend to delay in starting a project or an assignment until it comes close to the deadline. I do the fun activities first, and then do all the other stuff later which I don't want to do. And when I start them, it feels that my time is running short and then I have to hurry to finish them on time. I know that this is a problem for many others.
3. Have you been threatened or caught for surfing an atheist website? Is it a worry for you?
Nope, it's not a worry for me, because I'm 24 years old and I can do pretty much whatever I want to do on the internet. My parents already know this, but they also know that I don't post anything bad or cause any problems for others. So, they never threatened me for surfing or posting in an atheist forum. However, they did tell me before that I shouldn't come here because it's an ATHEIST forum (lol), and my younger brother (and I have 3), told me that I should go to other websites because he thinks that no one gives a shit about what I have to say about Islam and that all atheists hate the religion. So yeah, they think that I'm wasting my time here. *sad*
4. Have you ever doubted muhammad or the Quran teachings?
Not only doubt, but I also lost all belief in them at one time when I was in high school. I also said that in my intro thread.
5. What is a-day-in-the-life like for you?
My days are great most of the time. Sometimes I feel a little more stressful depending on my schedule, work, etc. However, they hardly affect my level of happiness.
6. Do you practice arranged marriages or polygamy?
Arranged marriages, but I'm not married yet.
Polygny, however, in which a male has two or more wives, is allowed for a Muslim but only up to 4 wives at any one time. But polyandry is not allowed. As for polygamy in general, the thing is that Islam simply permits it, but it neither forces nor requires it. And even though there are different instructions for a Muslim man and a Muslim woman, both are equal in the sight of God.
7. What's the silliest thing you've ever worn in public?
I don't remember wearing anything too silly in public.
Maybe the 'silliest' thing was when I wore a sunglass. Everyone said that they liked it, but not me, and I couldn't see properly.
8. What do you do for fun/hobby?
Read books (non-fiction mostly)
Learn about Islam
Watch documentaries
Play chess
Ride a bicycle
Watch sword-dueling and martial arts movies
Listen to music
Write down strange ideas in a notebook
I had more hobbies when I was a child but I lost interest in them as I grew older (such as learning magic tricks, origami, and shadow play).
9. What is the capital of Assyria?
This question doesn't have anything to do with me. But still, I will help you with a link at least.
Those are all the questions that I got.
Thanks to all those who sent in questions, and to those who didn't, thanks for not being nosy.
1. You seem to be very respectful and tolerant of other religions. I ask this without asserting that people of your religion are intolerant, but that I note intolerance in Abrahamic religions as a rule. I wonder, have you developed this tolerance yourself through life experiences or were you raised to be respectful of others, regardless of religion? I realize that is a personal question, so please feel free to ignore it, if you wish.
I would like to break this question into 2 smaller parts which are:
(a) You note that there is an intolerance in Abrahamic religions as a rule (which logically implies that Islam is also intolerant according to that statement) and
(b) You want to know what causes me to be so respectful and tolerant of other religions.
I'll answer them as briefly as I can although it can be much longer than this.
For the first one, I'll state my own opinions and my reasons for them even though most likely you will not agree with me. So, basically, Islam doesn't teach us to be intolerant of other religions and not even to atheists because that is contrary to many of the Quranic verses and here are some of them:
Plus, two articles:
Can Muslims be friends with Jews and Christians?
Is there anti-Semitism in the Quran?
You may find other verses which seem to contradict those verses, but I've discussed them in several other threads such as here, here, and here. And even then, there are also some of you who told me, "Well Rayaan, you and your fellow Muslims can interpret your holy horseshit to mean whatever you want it to be" which I don't agree with but, ultimately, each to his own.
For the second part of the question:
The reason that I am generally respectful to others is because of (1) everything that I stated above (2) that is simply the way that I like to talk to others and (3) sometimes I don't know well enough about a certain topic, and therefore, I don't feel that it is right for me to tell them that they are wrong or that I disagree with their views in a harsh manner. For example, in this thread, I challenged the Christian members to refute some of the arguments on why Jesus is not God and to explain the Christian veiw of a Trinity. Then, at a certain point, I realized that I am not knowledgeable enough to debate on the topic anymore. So, that's when I decide to leave the discussion while knowing that there is a possibility that I could be wrong.
Occasionally, however, I do sort of throw respect out the window and post whatever that comes to mind (although I never tried to intentionally piss off anyone). But, almost everyone does that here and there and that's okay. The important thing is not to go so far as to break the rules of the forum.
2. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
I think it would be procrastination because I tend to delay in starting a project or an assignment until it comes close to the deadline. I do the fun activities first, and then do all the other stuff later which I don't want to do. And when I start them, it feels that my time is running short and then I have to hurry to finish them on time. I know that this is a problem for many others.
3. Have you been threatened or caught for surfing an atheist website? Is it a worry for you?
Nope, it's not a worry for me, because I'm 24 years old and I can do pretty much whatever I want to do on the internet. My parents already know this, but they also know that I don't post anything bad or cause any problems for others. So, they never threatened me for surfing or posting in an atheist forum. However, they did tell me before that I shouldn't come here because it's an ATHEIST forum (lol), and my younger brother (and I have 3), told me that I should go to other websites because he thinks that no one gives a shit about what I have to say about Islam and that all atheists hate the religion. So yeah, they think that I'm wasting my time here. *sad*
4. Have you ever doubted muhammad or the Quran teachings?
Not only doubt, but I also lost all belief in them at one time when I was in high school. I also said that in my intro thread.
5. What is a-day-in-the-life like for you?
My days are great most of the time. Sometimes I feel a little more stressful depending on my schedule, work, etc. However, they hardly affect my level of happiness.
6. Do you practice arranged marriages or polygamy?
Arranged marriages, but I'm not married yet.
Polygny, however, in which a male has two or more wives, is allowed for a Muslim but only up to 4 wives at any one time. But polyandry is not allowed. As for polygamy in general, the thing is that Islam simply permits it, but it neither forces nor requires it. And even though there are different instructions for a Muslim man and a Muslim woman, both are equal in the sight of God.
7. What's the silliest thing you've ever worn in public?
I don't remember wearing anything too silly in public.
Maybe the 'silliest' thing was when I wore a sunglass. Everyone said that they liked it, but not me, and I couldn't see properly.
8. What do you do for fun/hobby?
Read books (non-fiction mostly)
Learn about Islam
Watch documentaries
Play chess
Ride a bicycle
Watch sword-dueling and martial arts movies
Listen to music
Write down strange ideas in a notebook
I had more hobbies when I was a child but I lost interest in them as I grew older (such as learning magic tricks, origami, and shadow play).
9. What is the capital of Assyria?
This question doesn't have anything to do with me. But still, I will help you with a link at least.
--- The End ---
Those are all the questions that I got.
Thanks to all those who sent in questions, and to those who didn't, thanks for not being nosy.