If I have not posted it yet before, I have a new and improved spiffy looking poetry page at
http://www.allpoetry.com, once there search for "RationalPoet37". The once there, just above the poem it should say "auto rank" and "links"
click on "links" and that should give you a page of all titles only to click on. I have now 6 pages of poems, just over 100 poems.
I need to get off my ass and start adding my other poems I have printed out that are not on that page above.
My most recent one is called "Colonel Decker".
Plus, if you want to listen to my sorry ass voice, I am a guest on this atheist podcast that was recorded on the Discord app, by "Okay Atheists".
http://www.allpoetry.com, once there search for "RationalPoet37". The once there, just above the poem it should say "auto rank" and "links"
click on "links" and that should give you a page of all titles only to click on. I have now 6 pages of poems, just over 100 poems.
I need to get off my ass and start adding my other poems I have printed out that are not on that page above.
My most recent one is called "Colonel Decker".
Plus, if you want to listen to my sorry ass voice, I am a guest on this atheist podcast that was recorded on the Discord app, by "Okay Atheists".