(January 8, 2013 at 9:13 am)BGChuckLee Wrote: Also: I read that 31% to 50% of transgender people commit suicide (And this was from a trans website). I can safely say, being trans correlates with dysfunctional behaviour.
So I am right,
I don't think it's dysfunctional... transpeople have it hard enough just with their state alone. And yet, the world seems to revel in making their lives even more horrible. Transgendered people are highly likely to be raped, are highly likely to be beaten, highly likely to be unemployed/employed seasonally, are nearly guaranteed to suffer endless verbal and emotional abuse as long as their trans-status is known or suspected, and have to face the reality that HRT and surgery and psychological evaluation is expensive and they might not always be able to afford it.
Hell, I'd have done it myself years and years ago if I didn't care how my mother would feel about it. I think adult transpeople are some of the coolest in the world, because they are a subset population who have made it through all of that, and as a result they have some of the most varied experiences and personalities of any subpopulation I know.
(January 8, 2013 at 1:35 pm)BGChuckLee Wrote: Yup, and the jigsaw falls in place.
Are you going therapy?
Nope. My parents hauled me through enough "therapy" for a lifetime.
(January 8, 2013 at 9:15 am)Aractus Wrote: (January 8, 2013 at 9:03 am)BGChuckLee Wrote: I would stay clear from anyone with Tatoo's, piercings or body alterations- there's a good chance that they are violent. (How I honestly feel).
Yep, that's the first intelligent thing you've said all thread. Not that all people with piercings and tats are violent or criminals though.
Oh, I wouldn't give him that much credit
(January 8, 2013 at 9:19 am)Aractus Wrote: FYI the reason is likely that their identity as a person is hinged on their gender identity, and they believe surgery will make them more comfortable with who they are (which of course, it won't do completely).
Actually... you'd be surprised. It would make me completely comfortable with my body, and some who I've known to go through it are now completely comfortable with their bodies.
It's true that it isn't the end-all answer for everyone though. A small percentage even regret the surgery after they have it... usually due to it being bungled, but it's true that sometimes it's just not for someone. That's why nobody should ever be pressured into the decision. It has it's benefits for most of us, but if it isn't wholly their decision: then they shouldn't make it.
HRT, on the other hand, should have far less a barrier fo entry. Gatekeepers...
(January 8, 2013 at 9:21 am)BGChuckLee Wrote: People like you who are the problem, you do not even accept the clear and evident problem that trans people have. You are attacking me because I do not agree 100% with you.
Of course, you mean the clear and evident problem of having a mismatched sex and gender.
Quote:Besides, how would you know what people commit suicide over? you're just guessing- I don't know for sure why they commit suicide, neither do you.
I would know

I might be wrong, but that's always the downfall of knowledge. Plenty of reasons to leave this world, the more it wrongs you: the more reason provided. If your life boils down to misery, and you can never see it rising above this and all it's doing is getting worse? The only reason to *not* commit suicide is if you have anyone/anything in the world that you care enough about to stay alive for.
If you do not have that, know I shan't blame you, and may you rest in peace.
(January 8, 2013 at 9:37 am)BGChuckLee Wrote: Right, but half of people with handlebar moustaches don't commit suicide.
But by the gods, they make me feel like doing so
* Violet shudders at the thought of a poorly worn handlebar mustache.
(January 8, 2013 at 9:49 am)BGChuckLee Wrote: Because, to go through with transexuality, you have to have a low self confidence to do so. Since you are risking your own life in surgery to get fake breasts or whatever. And the suicide rates are parallel to this.
Objection! I have one of the highest senses of self-confidence I know. I'm even often declared arrogant.
Breast augmentation, I believe it's called. Anyway, I don't need it, since I love how they feel already
nipple clamps, btw).
Quote:Those who hate their appearance are easy prey for abusers, it's a self fulfilling prophecy.
I love how I look!
(January 8, 2013 at 9:50 am)Brian37 Wrote: All you just said here is conform and you wont get bullied. You'd blame the rape victim too if she wore a short skirt. FUCKHEAD!
My stance in Objectifying Women is still my stance regarding that. Her rapist is still to blame, of course... but her clothing choices likely contributed to the event's occurrence.
(January 8, 2013 at 9:53 am)BGChuckLee Wrote: I'm not blaming anyone in the post I made, I'm just explaining what happens. If anything the parents of the abuser and the victim are to blame, since it is from that, that all morality is learned.
I learned my morality from being someone's slave for some 4-something years, being briefly trafficked
(or made to feel that I was being so), having extremely conservative parents who in earlier times would beat me, and bullied at school from kindergarten on?
Then why am I a pacifist who comes to the defense of even a cat being raped, will condone bullying in no form, go out searching for people who have only been missing without speaking to me in spite of texting them after but two hour's wait, and am about as nonconservative as they come?
I didn't learn my all of my morality very well, according to your belief system.
(January 8, 2013 at 9:57 am)BGChuckLee Wrote: If any of you will try to hurt me or commit violence against me I will react with deadly force, I have no sympathy for abusers. If you try to do anything to me or my house, I will pursue with lawsuits.
(January 8, 2013 at 10:11 am)The_Germans_are_coming Wrote: I think your the kind of person who is confused by having a pair of keys rattled infront of his face.
(January 8, 2013 at 10:17 am)LastPoet Wrote: Oh camon, guys, its so fucking obvious! 
I announced it very early on. What more do you want me to do?

Makes me wonder if Syna's behind it
(January 8, 2013 at 11:50 am)Shell B Wrote: I like that I scare you. I don't actually have to be intimidating or violent to do it? It's a win/win. Now, run along and play with your dolls, pussy.
Shelly, you're too awesome
(January 8, 2013 at 12:35 pm)Rev. Rye Wrote: When I had a job at my college's theatre department, I knew a girl who liked going to titty bars, frequently flirted with girls, even fell for the one other girl who didn't just say "No!" to her, but, for whatever reason, insisted that she was just a straight girl who just happened to like getting intimate with other girls.
Was she on Ecstasy?
I know I like getting intimate with other girls... but I am also completely open to sex should it come to that. There are such things as emotional relationships, perhaps she just really enjoys the emotional aspects of flirting, and isn't quite as interested in the sex as she is the proximity
(and oxytocin/seratonin blasting through her system).
The times I'd rather just be cuddling with than banging someone are vastly more common. But then, cuddling leads to touching and caressing, and those often lead to excitement and erotic stroking and nibbling, and once that starts sex is almost inevitable. Besides, it's way easier to open your heart to someone while cuddling than while fucking, and sometimes people just really need to talk. All sorts of amazing feelings come out of that
(January 8, 2013 at 12:57 pm)Shell B Wrote: Deprive, though depraved does kind of fit this thread forum. 
Fixed that for you, my lovely Shellerby
(January 8, 2013 at 1:00 pm)Brian37 Wrote: I love your attitude girl!
That's good, because attitude is all I got left.
(January 8, 2013 at 1:35 pm)Brian37 Wrote: Yea, all of us take good input and bad input and react to it. But you are not attaching their baggage or any abuse to who you are, "I like who I am". That's good. That means you have dealt with the bad stuff very maturely.
Maturely... or have I simply escaped it? Wake up, then you wake up, and then you wake up again, and you wake up once more, and you still haven't really woken up. What happened yesterday? Don't know... wake up, don't remember, wake up, I remember someth-wake up.
Quote:I wish I had. I didn't deal well with all the crap I went through as a kid and teen.
I find ignoring its existence and thinking of them in third person, as though it were a movie or someone else's life... "helps".