Italian Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa on the crucifix in the schools
November 16, 2009 at 1:48 pm
The European Court of Human Rights ruled that displaying crucifixes in Italian classrooms violates parents' rights to secular education for their children. The Strasbourg court found that, "The compulsory display of a symbol of a given confession in premises used by the public authorities ... restricted the right of parents to educate their children in conformity with their convictions."
As part of the show "La vita in diretta", RAI1, the Italian public tv, aired a discussion about the crucifix in state-run schools. Right after this segment, Italian Minister of Defence Ignazio La Russa, referring to those who had just spoken against the presence of the Catholic symbol in public schools, says:
"And anyway will not take off the crucifix. They can die.
The crucifix will remain in all the classrooms of the school, in every public classroom.
They can die. They can die, them and those fake international organizations [European Court of Human Rights],
that have no value."
I can't post links until I have 10 posts, anyway the video is shared on YOUTUBE with the title: "Italian Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa on the crucifix in the schools".

As part of the show "La vita in diretta", RAI1, the Italian public tv, aired a discussion about the crucifix in state-run schools. Right after this segment, Italian Minister of Defence Ignazio La Russa, referring to those who had just spoken against the presence of the Catholic symbol in public schools, says:
"And anyway will not take off the crucifix. They can die.
The crucifix will remain in all the classrooms of the school, in every public classroom.
They can die. They can die, them and those fake international organizations [European Court of Human Rights],
that have no value."

I can't post links until I have 10 posts, anyway the video is shared on YOUTUBE with the title: "Italian Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa on the crucifix in the schools".