Every day, atheists from all walks of life are jumping on the internet to offer their two cents about their disbelief in god. The theists that we encounter are met with heavy opposition, which leads to intense frustration on their part. Most of the time, we atheists do not see what occurs to them backstage; the fallout from the attacks on their faith is only rarely seen in full strength.
Everything is not well on the home front; hurt feelings are not left behind on the pages of the world wide web. If you have ever encountered an angry theist suffering from an internet atheist's boot up their ass, then please tell your story here.
Last night at about 10:30 PM I got a buzz on Facebook Messenger from an old friend who used to be in the Air Force with me. We'll call him Fred. I know this man to be devoutly religious, and, because of this, I always tried to avoid talking about god with him. The most he knew about me was that I'm an ex-Mormon. For some reason though, he felt he needed someone to rant to about all those damn atheists on the internet!
i apologize for all caps'ing you
Me: ?
Fred: super tired of internet atheists
super tired
Me: Then stop being a theist
Fred: I'd still be annoyed with them
unsolicited christian bashing is just so prevalent online right now... they're like real life door to door evangelicals
Me: What are they doing, asking for evidence for a god?
Fred: no mostly i'm just tired of the constant
"HAHA that guy believes in god, how stupid"
and then when someone asks a legitimate question, you get nailed to the wall for the things the church did in the past
and everyone feels the need to break down every inconsistency in the bible, even when you've already stated that... your beliefs are based on how you feel and not a word for word following of what's written therein
and instead of being like, this is what i think
they say shit like, well let me break it down for you like a pre-schooler
and it's always only christians, i'm just tired of it... all the places i go online to like hang out and just chill are being over run with it
Me: Atheists rule the Internet.
Fred: and they act in the exact same manner that they claim to hate from meatspace
and i mean it's not universal
i have plenty of atheist friends who are chill as hell
we agree to disagree
but the last several months has just seen a bevy of like, hostile, aggresive douche fuck atheists
Me: I'm sorry you feel attacked. Realize though that whenever you tell somebody that you think something is true, there's going to be someone else that's going to put that idea on trial.
Fred: it that doesn't bother me
it's the mocking and smarter than though
Me: If you need to rant some more, leave all the messages you need, but I won't be able to chat really until probably tomorrow.
Fred: that's what gets to me
no worries
i'm calming down
how's things? good?
I also wanted to add, that he bit at the atheists with his question, and they apparently chomped back. I especially liked how he didn't ask how I was doing until well into his rant. The best part of it all is that he doesn't realize that I'm one of those very atheists that he hates so much right now.
Everything is not well on the home front; hurt feelings are not left behind on the pages of the world wide web. If you have ever encountered an angry theist suffering from an internet atheist's boot up their ass, then please tell your story here.
Last night at about 10:30 PM I got a buzz on Facebook Messenger from an old friend who used to be in the Air Force with me. We'll call him Fred. I know this man to be devoutly religious, and, because of this, I always tried to avoid talking about god with him. The most he knew about me was that I'm an ex-Mormon. For some reason though, he felt he needed someone to rant to about all those damn atheists on the internet!
i apologize for all caps'ing you
Me: ?
Fred: super tired of internet atheists
super tired
Me: Then stop being a theist

Fred: I'd still be annoyed with them
unsolicited christian bashing is just so prevalent online right now... they're like real life door to door evangelicals
Me: What are they doing, asking for evidence for a god?
Fred: no mostly i'm just tired of the constant
"HAHA that guy believes in god, how stupid"
and then when someone asks a legitimate question, you get nailed to the wall for the things the church did in the past
and everyone feels the need to break down every inconsistency in the bible, even when you've already stated that... your beliefs are based on how you feel and not a word for word following of what's written therein
and instead of being like, this is what i think
they say shit like, well let me break it down for you like a pre-schooler
and it's always only christians, i'm just tired of it... all the places i go online to like hang out and just chill are being over run with it
Me: Atheists rule the Internet.
Fred: and they act in the exact same manner that they claim to hate from meatspace
and i mean it's not universal
i have plenty of atheist friends who are chill as hell
we agree to disagree
but the last several months has just seen a bevy of like, hostile, aggresive douche fuck atheists
Me: I'm sorry you feel attacked. Realize though that whenever you tell somebody that you think something is true, there's going to be someone else that's going to put that idea on trial.
Fred: it that doesn't bother me
it's the mocking and smarter than though
Me: If you need to rant some more, leave all the messages you need, but I won't be able to chat really until probably tomorrow.
Fred: that's what gets to me
no worries
i'm calming down
how's things? good?
I also wanted to add, that he bit at the atheists with his question, and they apparently chomped back. I especially liked how he didn't ask how I was doing until well into his rant. The best part of it all is that he doesn't realize that I'm one of those very atheists that he hates so much right now.
![[Image: 10314461_875206779161622_3907189760171701548_n.jpg]](https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t1.0-9/10314461_875206779161622_3907189760171701548_n.jpg)