A friend of mine linked me this video after we yet another discussion on the Illuminati etc etc. and well, since I'm a Free Thinker, I follow the evidence and/or reasoning, and I have to say the evidence is very convincing. *But*, that's not to say I believe the whole spiel about the Illuminati. All I can say is that I believe that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 came down as a result of controlled demolitions. I don't know who did it. I don't know why, and I definitely don't know how they got around to setting up these demolitions.
I know that most of you won't sit through an hr of watching a video on YouTube, and that's understandable. Here's a few things they talked about:
>WTC 7's rooftop features fell through first, then the entirety of the building started to fall => evidence of a demolition
>WTC 7's collapse was uniform. This is unexpected as the official report said it was caused by fire damage on *one* side of the building. A uniform collapse => demolition
>WTC 7's collapse speed was plotted (from videos) and it's accelerating as if it's free falling. Thus, no resistance was provided by the lower levels of the structure => there must have been no supporting columns anymore => demolition
>The section of the Twin Towers just above where the planes hit also fell uniformly and without resistance from the untouched section below it => demolition
>Molten iron(?) was found beneath all the rubble. Jet fuel doesn't burn at a temperature hot enough to melt the structure. However, a military grade explosive (forgot the compound's name) does produce the energy required to melt steel/iron => demolition
>Hardly anything was left of the 3 buildings. One witness said the majority of the concrete had been pulverized to a fine powder ("2-3 feet of powder everywhere"). This isn't to be expected from a building simply collapsing => demolition
There's a lot more evidence in the video that the official report simply doesn't include, or the officials chose not to look at/investigate from the beginning.
I'm basically posting this to see what everyone thinks, because maybe the evidence only looks good to me
I know that most of you won't sit through an hr of watching a video on YouTube, and that's understandable. Here's a few things they talked about:
>WTC 7's rooftop features fell through first, then the entirety of the building started to fall => evidence of a demolition
>WTC 7's collapse was uniform. This is unexpected as the official report said it was caused by fire damage on *one* side of the building. A uniform collapse => demolition
>WTC 7's collapse speed was plotted (from videos) and it's accelerating as if it's free falling. Thus, no resistance was provided by the lower levels of the structure => there must have been no supporting columns anymore => demolition
>The section of the Twin Towers just above where the planes hit also fell uniformly and without resistance from the untouched section below it => demolition
>Molten iron(?) was found beneath all the rubble. Jet fuel doesn't burn at a temperature hot enough to melt the structure. However, a military grade explosive (forgot the compound's name) does produce the energy required to melt steel/iron => demolition
>Hardly anything was left of the 3 buildings. One witness said the majority of the concrete had been pulverized to a fine powder ("2-3 feet of powder everywhere"). This isn't to be expected from a building simply collapsing => demolition
There's a lot more evidence in the video that the official report simply doesn't include, or the officials chose not to look at/investigate from the beginning.
I'm basically posting this to see what everyone thinks, because maybe the evidence only looks good to me

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" ~ Aristotle