Has this piece of creationist banter been seen here before?
Quote:In the Y chromosome alone, humans have only two thirds as many distinct genes or gene families as humans. More than 30% of the chimp Y chromosome lacks an alignable counterpart on the human Y chromosome.
Natural selection could not possibly have fixed so many mutations into an evolving human population in the five to ten million years during which apes allegedly evolved into humans. Evolutionists tried to get round this problem by arguing that much of our DNA is junk and was therefore not fixed in the population by natural selection. However, this argument, too, is falling apart as more and more functions of ‘junk DNA’ are discovered.
In fact we are genetically closer to Puffer fish Fugu rubripes than we are to chimps. 75% of its 31000 genes have direct human counterparts. So by your logic- which assumes shared ancestry- we diverged from puffer fish, not chimps.
Some other differences..
Chimps and other apes have telomeres 23 kilobases long. Human telomeres are only 10 kilobases long.
The claims of "99% similarity" between humans and chimps are lies, based on biased research and faulty methodology by agenda-driven evolutionists btw.
If you make a model plane using rubber wheels and plastic, then go on to make a car with the same materials, does it mean that the plane gave birth to the car? No: it just means that you used the same materials for both, in varying quantities, in places even using the same parts. That is an entirely logical assumption.
Any similarities between living organisms in terms of features or dna show that they share the same designer.