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That Day will come as a trap on all the world
RE: That Day will come as a trap on all the world
(September 3, 2014 at 11:58 am)professor Wrote: Well Min, you asked for a prophecy date.
I am going to give you one.
I now have enough info to step out and declare it.
I have been looking for the day of Departure since I heard about it and read about it in the Bible over 40 years ago.
I always thought I was "Focused", now I found I have a touch of OCD.

Depending on the time zone you are in - the Rapture (the day no man knows- an idiom for Rosh Hashanah) will be within 24 hours of the 25th of September 2014.

The Tribulation began on my birthday in '08 with Obama's promise on national TV seen by 33 (highest # in the occult) million people- to CHANGE the nation and the world.
His covenant/promise was verified by the nation upon his election.

Just as the Jews were given a choice at the "Trial" of Jesus, in the same way- America chose the criminal.
Don't blame God. He was involved with the choice but He did not make it.

(Nearly no one in Christendom grasps that we are currently IN the Trib.
The teaching among those who actually believe the bible (rather than the lies of tradition) is that 7 year period begins with the Departure.)

In the book of Daniel, the false Messiah is prophesied to CHANGE the laws, note that Mr. Obama's platform in '08 was a single word- CHANGE. He has been changing laws illegally via executive order since elected.

On the Five Doves website there was supposition that something big should occur on Oct 29 of the election year, because they had dialed back 7 biblical years from Sept 23 2015 Yom Kippor.
I think they were calculating back from their projected date of the 2nd Coming.
There are a couple of numbers geniuses on the Doves- I just listen.
So when Oct.29 (my birth day) passed with just O's infomercial - one of the guys said- "could this have been the "Covenant with many?"-
We started looking intently at Daniel, there was no mention of Israel - the commonly held co-joiner of the covenant.
The deal/ agreement/ covenant was indeed with many - millions and O.

Interesting to me that my anniversary at work is the 22nd of Sept and being that Y.K. 2015 begins the evening before-
that would be on my hire date.
My clock number at work for all these decades has been 501- the same as the gematria of BHO in Hebrew.
Not a co-incidence.
I have come to understand my destiny was to reveal his destiny and the truth of the Gospel.

The spark for this crazy post began last week.
The gnawing perception was in my mind, that this is Noah's second day- just as he went UP over the coming flood- so are those who are accounted righteous - going UP over the disasters of the conclusion of this age.

My thoughts were- there is not enough time left for 7 years. 3 and a half years do not fit because Jesus is fulfilling the FALL feasts ( moed/ rehearsals)- not the spring feasts that were fulfilled 2000 years ago.
There are 3 feasts to be fulfilled- Rosh Hashanah is next.
Idioms from Judiasim- Trumpets/ the day no man knows/ the day of judgement/ the day of the awakening blast/ the hidden day/ the opening of the gates/ the day of the last trump/ the day of coronation of the King/ the wedding of Messiah.

Part of the above paragraph is common knowledge among those of us who are "Watching" but that was not enough for me to post this.
Confirmation came over the weekend via a couple of internet related sources that this year is the year I have been waiting for all this time.

The Rapture / Resurrection will begin the great Harvest that is the end of the age.
I was praying yesterday that justice and truth comes to the terrorists - ISIL and the word came to me- no- These wicked ones are gathering together- they have made their final choice and will be exterminated soon.
The typical method of God's communication w/ me is perception and the bible, occasionally a word.
Some people get dreams/words/ visions, synchronistic signs.
There is always an element of faith involved though (I would prefer it to be like you guys, right out/direct/face to face), but that is the way it is.

What is coming is not the end of the world.
The world never ends - it does get new management.

What we see going on is not false labor- the ever increasing earthquakes, the evil of Islam exposed, mass animal fish and bird die offs, the AC and FP are here, on and on it goes, are the real labor pains.

Half the professing Christians do not go up with the Heavenly Bridegroom.
He takes all the little ones too- flower children I suppose.

This post is your second invitation here on AF to enter the Ark- Jesus.

Both the ark of Noah and the body of Jesus had an opening in the side.
The blood of Jesus which flowed from His side made our Redemption possible.
There is still time for each of you to enter the ark and miss what is coming, but if you don't, please be a part of His harvest dead ahead.

I laughed so hard I think a little pee came out.

"The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions" - Leonardo da Vinci

"I think I use the term “radical” rather loosely, just for emphasis. If you describe yourself as “atheist,” some people will say, “Don’t you mean ‘agnostic’?” I have to reply that I really do mean atheist, I really do not believe that there is a god; in fact, I am convinced that there is not a god (a subtle difference). I see not a shred of evidence to suggest that there is one ... etc., etc. It’s easier to say that I am a radical atheist, just to signal that I really mean it, have thought about it a great deal, and that it’s an opinion I hold seriously." - Douglas Adams (and I echo the sentiment)
RE: That Day will come as a trap on all the world
That does make a case for schizophrenics and sociopaths. Maybe they ought to be released on the grounds of having their own secluded religious beliefs.

That or lock up all the theists for the same reasons.
I can't remember where this verse is from, I think it got removed from canon:

"I don't hang around with mostly men because I'm gay. It's because men are better than women. Better trained, better equipped...better. Just better! I'm not gay."

For context, this is the previous verse:

"Hi Jesus" -robvalue
RE: That Day will come as a trap on all the world
(September 9, 2014 at 7:54 pm)professor Wrote: I guess a little explanation is due here since this went over so poorly.
Anti has a definition of "Against" or and "In place of". Both Hitler and Stalin, like most dictators demanded total allegiance. Their pusses were plastered all over the place.
Of course they were antichrists of a type.

Sounds a lot like they were just trying to build their own version of the Christ cult.
RE: That Day will come as a trap on all the world
I was thinking last night about a mini history lesson, placing a sequence you will never hear about in the media or in the various schools.
It intimately is relevant to where we are in time and what lies ahead.

I am going by memory-
As the battle of Waterloo was being won by the British, a messenger pigeon was launched to the staff of a certain London banker whose name means - Red Shield.

When the results of the battle became known to the banker, his agents voiced the order to "Sell" stock on their exchange.
The locals, sensing fear, also sold heavily.
When the selling subsided some, Bankster gave the order to BUY.
That day Redshield obtained a great stake in industry in England.

The bankster, later on, offered the Czar of Russia a deal.
Redshield would put a central bank over there for the Czar.
When Czar said NO, Redshield vowed that one of his descendants would overthrow the czar.
This was accomplished in 1917 when a sealed train filled with killers rode through the European war to carry out the long standing plan.
Now you know why the banner of Communism is red .

Back in America, the friends of Bankster set up a central bank in 1913 by manipulation of congress (congress was constitutionally charged with COINING money). Thus the Federal Reserve was created.
It is not federal and there are no reserves- it is a wholly owned arm of the international bankers.
Our bankster long ago had declared: "Give me control of a countries money and I don't care who runs it".
The legitimate paper money which was in circulation (convertible into silver or gold) was gradually displaced by the Fed notes (a note is an IOU from the issuer).
This opened the flood gates to inflate the money of the US to pay for war among other things.

In the same year as the central bank coup, an income tax was enacted and gradually enforced upon the workers of the nation.
( Note the year was '13- the number of rebellion and witchcraft.)

Both the inflation from the "Fed" and the tax are instruments of transfer of wealth to the elete.

This brings us up to today ( I am trying to keep this short as possible).

Quantitative Easing (QE) has propelled the financial markets to the historic bubble stage.
QE in redneck terms is- hitting overdrive on the printing presses.

No nation on earth has a currency backed by anything.

In keeping with the Hegelian dialectic- a crisis is used or created to bring about a Change.
The change is always in the direction of totalitarianism.

The Rapture will be the trigger the elete use for their goals.
RE: That Day will come as a trap on all the world
(September 9, 2014 at 8:08 pm)Chuck Wrote:
(September 9, 2014 at 7:50 pm)Losty Wrote: I'm just having a hard time believing that anyone could legitimately believe this.

Never been to an insane asylum?

I didn't even know they still have those.
(August 21, 2017 at 11:31 pm)KevinM1 Wrote: "I'm not a troll"
Religious Views: He gay


Hammy Wrote:and we also have a sheep on our bed underneath as well
RE: That Day will come as a trap on all the world
(September 9, 2014 at 8:56 pm)Losty Wrote:
(September 9, 2014 at 8:08 pm)Chuck Wrote: Never been to an insane asylum?

I didn't even know they still have those.

If you visit somewhere and they have huggy jackets, you're there.

Wink Shades

Playing Cluedo with my mum while I was at Uni:

"You did WHAT?  With WHO?  WHERE???"
RE: That Day will come as a trap on all the world
(September 9, 2014 at 8:49 pm)professor Wrote: The bankster, later on, offered the Czar of Russia a deal.
Redshield would put a central bank over there for the Czar.
When Czar said NO, Redshield vowed that one of his descendants would overthrow the czar.
This was accomplished in 1917 when a sealed train filled with killers rode through the European war to carry out the long standing plan.
Now you know why the banner of Communism is red .
How did those killers manage to get out of the train? I'll bet that when they finally did, the first thing they did was try to figure out which idiot sealed them in the train!
"Well, evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty. Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts don't go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. Einstein's theory of gravitation replaced Newton's in this century, but apples didn't suspend themselves in midair, pending the outcome. And humans evolved from ape- like ancestors whether they did so by Darwin's proposed mechanism or by some other yet to be discovered."

-Stephen Jay Gould
RE: That Day will come as a trap on all the world
(September 9, 2014 at 8:49 pm)professor Wrote: I was thinking last night

Congratulations. The first time is always the hardest.
RE: That Day will come as a trap on all the world
I don't remember which US president stated this idea:"The world is run by very different personages than the public believes".
He was telling the truth.

Put yourself in the position mentally of a super rich.
Mere millionaires are far, far below you.

Do you really think in that powerful lofty position that you would cross your fingers and hope for your continued success (option A)?
Or would you INSURE through all means possible that you remain in control of your destiny (option B)?
If you selected option A, your programing has been successful.
Welcome to 1984 or the Animal Farm.

G'night see ya tomorrow..
RE: That Day will come as a trap on all the world
I have a solution for all your post-rapture pet care needs, perfessah.
After The Rapture Pet Care. Not too awfully expensive.

And now perfessah, I present to you a series of events that occurred in what is now, one of the United States of America.

The Governor of the state in question became involved.
A court was established.
Witnesses were carefully examined and cross-examined, by the best experts of the day.
Evidence was gathered.
Many people confessed in public to the officials of the court.
The entire proceeding was documented with thousands of sworn affidavits, court documents, interviews and related proceedings.
Sufficient evidence was established by intelligent men and women of good faith, that the declarations of the witnesses were true, and that these declarations should in all reasonableness result in the established legal consequences that reasonable good adult men and women thought were perfectly legitimate.

What evidence did they have that the assertions concerning what they said they saw and were convinced of were really true ?

1. Hundreds if not thousands of people were involved in concluding that what they said they saw and concluded was actually true.
2. The witnesses provided sworn testimony in court, sworn affidavits which we can look at today, and affirmed they were completely utterly convinced that what they were saying was totally completely true.
3. The witnesses came from all social strata, and every diverse background, including the most highly educated of the day.
4. These witnesses included judges, magistrates, the governor of the state, and family members of those about whom the assertions were made.
5. Many involved had much to lose if the assertions were to be found true. The consequences would impact many in very personal ways, if found to be true, thus had no conflict of interest, or reasin to lie. Many could lose beloved spouses and family members and friends about whom they cared a great deal.
6. The proceedings were thorough, exhaustive investigations. They deliberately gathered evidence. They made every effort to sort out truth from fallacy. They went to every possible length to actually discern the facts.
7. There are numerous artifacts from the time, and many documents from the proceedings we can review in person today.
8. These proceedings happened, not 2000 years ago, but a mere few hundred years ago. The literacy rate was far far higher than in ancient Israel.
9. For claimed events from 2000 years ago, there are no actual original documents of any kind. None at all. Only copies from centuries later.
10. For the events in question we have sworn documented court testimony, not just word of mouth transmission.
11. A truck full of documents from the proceedings exist at the University of Virginia Library. You can go see the testimony of the eye-witnesses for yourself, today.
12. By any measure or method, the quantity and quality of the evidence for the events in question FAR FAR FAR outweigh the quality of the evidence for the events in Jerusalem 2000 years ago.
13. Anyone who claims they have good evidence to support belief in Jesus, his death, and resurrection, or any miracle thought to have happened today, IF they are in any way a consistent, honest, logical and a reasonably thoughtful person, they MUST also accept :

Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble. - Joseph Campbell  Popcorn

Militant Atheist Commie Evolutionist 

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