In my element
July 15, 2015 at 4:47 pm
(This post was last modified: July 15, 2015 at 5:07 pm by Longhorn.)
After taking a bus to a nearby town located about 10 miles away from where I'm staying, getting a cup of coffee and a visit to my favorite bookstore there, I set off on the trip back. I got down to the shore and headed home. The first hour and a half went by without greater excitement-passing groups of kids and lifeguard stations etc. Sea on my left, forested cliffs on my right. As I kept going along the shore, the beach started getting emptier, since I was moving away from the city. It was also getting visibly narrower-the distance between the sea and the cliffs was shrinking by the minute.
I passed the last civilized passway, leaving the crowd behind me. The sand under my feet was becoming noticeably more rocky, and soon there wasn't much of sand left to speak of. There was still some couple feet between the line of water and the steep slope of clay, sand and grass on my right, but the water was pushing me closer to that wall with every step. The wind has been strong the past couple of days, and the sea was restless. The waves were at least 5ft tall-the size of, you know, me. My view was blocked by a wall of rock. I couldn't tell how much of this rocky ground I have ahead of me and my feet were sore from walking on the rocks. I started having doubts. Should I go back? I turned to look at the distance I've already went. Looked like a lot. I felt a bout of panic coming on. Chill, Vic, you're on vacation. Am I really, if I have to keep reminding myself of that? I sat down and put my shoes back on. There was no ground between the cliffs and the sea ahead of me. I tried to climb the slope a little, latching on to the clay. If it can't hold my weight -like now, I thought as a chunk of moist clay fell off from under my foot-it ain't gonna be pretty. In my earphones, Tom Waits kindly informed me that we're all gonna be just dirt in the ground. Thanks, Tom.
I kept going, climbing up and jumping down heaps of clay and rocks, until I reached the wall that blocked my view. I went around it as quickly as possible, running away from the waves. I saw at least 30ft more of the same terrain and an another wall blocking my sight. Fuck me sideways. Ok. I put my phone and earphones in my backpack, in case I get wet and moved along, getting my feet stuck in mud every now and then. I looked up at the mounting cliff above me and wondered how it would feel to be buried under all this. But overall, it kept me from thinking about all the things I normally obsess about. For some time-I've no clue how long exactly-my world consisted of me, the cliff and the sea.
Finally, after getting around the second wall, I saw the stripe of land gradually broadening. Relieved, I took off my shoes again-covered in mud and slightly soaked-and headed towards home. There were still rocks and I-ow-hurt my ankle when my foot slid off one of them and-OW-stubbed my toe on another one of the malicious bastards. I passed a case of blue wooden stairs. Ok, I know where this is.The thought that followed was less optimistic: I'm only halfway there. I majestically skipped over some yellowish foam and my ankle protested and started calling me names. On my way home I met a guy who was walking in the opposite direction and almost went up to him to warn him, but dude was covered up to his teeth and gave me the stinkeye from behind his sunglasses. Scared the shit out of me.
Two hours later, I'm sitting here on the couch, typing this and thinking that when I go there again tomorrow, Imma take the bus home.
So yeah. And how was your day?
I passed the last civilized passway, leaving the crowd behind me. The sand under my feet was becoming noticeably more rocky, and soon there wasn't much of sand left to speak of. There was still some couple feet between the line of water and the steep slope of clay, sand and grass on my right, but the water was pushing me closer to that wall with every step. The wind has been strong the past couple of days, and the sea was restless. The waves were at least 5ft tall-the size of, you know, me. My view was blocked by a wall of rock. I couldn't tell how much of this rocky ground I have ahead of me and my feet were sore from walking on the rocks. I started having doubts. Should I go back? I turned to look at the distance I've already went. Looked like a lot. I felt a bout of panic coming on. Chill, Vic, you're on vacation. Am I really, if I have to keep reminding myself of that? I sat down and put my shoes back on. There was no ground between the cliffs and the sea ahead of me. I tried to climb the slope a little, latching on to the clay. If it can't hold my weight -like now, I thought as a chunk of moist clay fell off from under my foot-it ain't gonna be pretty. In my earphones, Tom Waits kindly informed me that we're all gonna be just dirt in the ground. Thanks, Tom.
I kept going, climbing up and jumping down heaps of clay and rocks, until I reached the wall that blocked my view. I went around it as quickly as possible, running away from the waves. I saw at least 30ft more of the same terrain and an another wall blocking my sight. Fuck me sideways. Ok. I put my phone and earphones in my backpack, in case I get wet and moved along, getting my feet stuck in mud every now and then. I looked up at the mounting cliff above me and wondered how it would feel to be buried under all this. But overall, it kept me from thinking about all the things I normally obsess about. For some time-I've no clue how long exactly-my world consisted of me, the cliff and the sea.
Finally, after getting around the second wall, I saw the stripe of land gradually broadening. Relieved, I took off my shoes again-covered in mud and slightly soaked-and headed towards home. There were still rocks and I-ow-hurt my ankle when my foot slid off one of them and-OW-stubbed my toe on another one of the malicious bastards. I passed a case of blue wooden stairs. Ok, I know where this is.The thought that followed was less optimistic: I'm only halfway there. I majestically skipped over some yellowish foam and my ankle protested and started calling me names. On my way home I met a guy who was walking in the opposite direction and almost went up to him to warn him, but dude was covered up to his teeth and gave me the stinkeye from behind his sunglasses. Scared the shit out of me.
Two hours later, I'm sitting here on the couch, typing this and thinking that when I go there again tomorrow, Imma take the bus home.
So yeah. And how was your day?