RE: what are you ethics based on
February 23, 2017 at 7:36 pm
(This post was last modified: February 23, 2017 at 7:54 pm by Violet.)
(February 12, 2017 at 7:44 am)Alex K Wrote: What the fuck are you on about, Violet? Are you sure the forum has changed that much? From where I stand, if one thing has changed drastically, it's you.
The forum has changed very drastically in my time here. I've experienced a few iterations, but after a certain point only a single flow. Our perceptions just differ, Alex K, I mean... not to go into the 'what all changes' in the world where change occurs for all things, because we all change, and I have changed some too. For the better, I personally feel. But again: our perceptions differ.
Remains though: necroposting rules are ludicrous. Many rules are.
I'm not here enough to adequately fight for my version of sanity as it applies to the rules, as my argument against myself would be 'what right do I have to decide on policy for a place I barely visit'. Unless I have more standing in which to argue it (active user), it remains only an observation of uncertain destiny. Lots of ideas and issues long-decided have been mistakes in my view, and I am likely the most minor of minorities present in holding that view.
Depends on intent of the place (doesn't measure up to the stated intent as compared to prior years), and on the level of interest in attracting or retaining those not currently present. It's all self-realization of the forum and trends oriented topics, metadata if you will. That said, I do respect what this place once represented to me, and I do resent what it now represents to me... and I consider observations of an outsider to be worth at least mild consideration. Perceptions regarding that also likely differ... doesn't mean that said differing perceptions shouldn't both be shared.
If you have any questions about the things I've noted in the other posts, then ask. Thread can always be closed, though... staff discretion and all. Infact, that's the direction I'd have yall take in regards to necroposts anyhow: lock them all, delete them all, or archive them all offsite... stickies potentially exempt.
It's pointless to retain open threads on a discussion/debate forum that cannot be used. Or, strong negative opinion, derision, and dismissal for their use. Etc, blah blah kerching.
Ooohhh, he's just confused by the april fools comment. Okay. There was an april fools once many a year ago now where the staff made sock puppets and it rubbed a lot of members the wrong way, created a ton of enmity between staff and normal members due to shit handling of the situation by all sides involved. Source of disharmony for years.
Didn't get better, really. Probably forever twisted the culture here, long subject, many major drama. I'd go all full history lesson, but screw it: nobody wants to read it, and nobody asked
Short version as it applies to christmas colours cutting up the fresh meat: A red or green name used to be different to chat with back in the day. Instances of modhat increased significantly, likelihood that authority would be overstepped also increased... and the very culture of the staff felt like it was under attack and saw disrespect and abuse everywhere towards itself. That hasn't changed, and it probably can't without elaborate restructuring... and even then, the same individuals perpetuating the same culture unless it was rapidly and totally reshaped with new blood. The rules would have to retract on several levels to prevent it from falling back into such behaviors anyways, and all of it is a lot of work that is totally unwarranted given the cult-interest (not like fanatics, like niche, but with the nuance of cult). 30/30 for instance, just shits on new members with newfound interests in joining a discussion forum to discuss the thing that interested them with some people who they want to hear the opinions of/and or debate the subject matter with. Necroposting is another instance that largely strikes newcomers who've apparently taken enough interest in this place to look through even the old and outdated content: they see reprimands, modhat, and thread lockage.
There are complex issues involved here. Not many happy ones. Best case scenario for attracting new blood is to enable them to be passionate, and if necroposting is a problem worth responding every time with 'please don't necropost': why
allow the mistake to be made in the first place? Just lock things automatically after a certain point. Sure, it's a bit of work in the meantime, but it definitely beats having to deal with the constant stress that necroposted threads (and the response to them) put on the forum staff and the forum standard members (especially newbies).
(February 12, 2017 at 11:53 pm)AFTT47 Wrote: I just realized I KUDOed a 4-year-old post. It WAS a very good response though so I stand behind it. noname the Great Resurrector made a good point too.
I think it's a rule that you have to be here a year before you can change your username but I'm putting in a plug for noname to be forever known as The Great Reseurector.
I second this

The Great Resurrector! It's a fine name. I can only hope that the one without a name can wear it with pride.