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Lets start off by agreeing on basic definitions. This original post will display the definitions as agreed upon by the main contributors of this thread. if you wish to add more definitions, then pleas post the request. Please, lets keep the definitions list short, sweet, and too the point.
Libertarianism - In the strictest sense, is the political philosophy that holds individual liberty as the basic moral principle of society. In the broadest sense, it is any political philosophy which approximates this view. Libertarianism includes diverse beliefs, all advocating strict limits to government activity and sharing the goal of maximizing individual liberty and political freedom (wikipedia).
Left wing - In politics, Left, left-wing and leftist generally refer to support for an egalitarian society (wikipedia).
Egalitarian - Is a trend of thought that favors equality of some sort among moral agents. Egalitarian doctrines tend to maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status (wikipedia)
Right wing - In politics, Right, right-wing and rightist generally refer to support for a hierarchical society justified on the basis of an appeal to natural law or tradition (wikipedia).
Heirarchical - In sociology the social stratification is a concept of class, involving the "classification of persons into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions ... a relational set of inequalities with economic, social, political and ideological dimensions (wikipedia).
Centrist - (Moderate) In politics and religion, a moderate is an individual who is not extreme, partisan or radical. In recent years, political moderates has gained traction as a buzzword. Voters who describe themselves as centrist often mean that they are moderate in their political views, advocating neither extreme left-wing politics nor right-wing politics. (wikipedia)
Economics - is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. (wikipedia)
Inflation - In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.(wikipedia)
Wage - is a compensation, usually financial, received by workers in exchange for their labor. Compensation in terms of wages is given to workers and compensation in terms of salary is given to employees. Compensation is a monetary benefit given to employees in return for the services provided by them. (wikipedia)
Value - An economic value is the worth of a good or service as determined by the market(wikipedia)
Profit - In economics, the term profit has two related but distinct meanings. Normal profit represents the total opportunity costs (both explicit and implicit) of a venture to an entrepreneur or investor, whilst economic profit (also abnormal, pure, supernormal or excess profit, as the case may be monopoly or oligopoly profit, or simply profit) is, at least in the neoclassical microeconomic theory which dominates modern economics, the difference between a firm's total revenue and all costs, including normal profit. In both instances economic profit is the return to an entrepreneur or a group of entrepreneurs. Economic profit is thus contrasted with economic interest which is the return to an owner of capital stock or money or bonds (wikipedia)
Lets discuss the definitions now...

Lets start off by agreeing on basic definitions. This original post will display the definitions as agreed upon by the main contributors of this thread. if you wish to add more definitions, then pleas post the request. Please, lets keep the definitions list short, sweet, and too the point.
Libertarianism - In the strictest sense, is the political philosophy that holds individual liberty as the basic moral principle of society. In the broadest sense, it is any political philosophy which approximates this view. Libertarianism includes diverse beliefs, all advocating strict limits to government activity and sharing the goal of maximizing individual liberty and political freedom (wikipedia).
Left wing - In politics, Left, left-wing and leftist generally refer to support for an egalitarian society (wikipedia).
Egalitarian - Is a trend of thought that favors equality of some sort among moral agents. Egalitarian doctrines tend to maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status (wikipedia)
Right wing - In politics, Right, right-wing and rightist generally refer to support for a hierarchical society justified on the basis of an appeal to natural law or tradition (wikipedia).
Heirarchical - In sociology the social stratification is a concept of class, involving the "classification of persons into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions ... a relational set of inequalities with economic, social, political and ideological dimensions (wikipedia).
Centrist - (Moderate) In politics and religion, a moderate is an individual who is not extreme, partisan or radical. In recent years, political moderates has gained traction as a buzzword. Voters who describe themselves as centrist often mean that they are moderate in their political views, advocating neither extreme left-wing politics nor right-wing politics. (wikipedia)
Economics - is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. (wikipedia)
Inflation - In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.(wikipedia)
Wage - is a compensation, usually financial, received by workers in exchange for their labor. Compensation in terms of wages is given to workers and compensation in terms of salary is given to employees. Compensation is a monetary benefit given to employees in return for the services provided by them. (wikipedia)
Value - An economic value is the worth of a good or service as determined by the market(wikipedia)
Profit - In economics, the term profit has two related but distinct meanings. Normal profit represents the total opportunity costs (both explicit and implicit) of a venture to an entrepreneur or investor, whilst economic profit (also abnormal, pure, supernormal or excess profit, as the case may be monopoly or oligopoly profit, or simply profit) is, at least in the neoclassical microeconomic theory which dominates modern economics, the difference between a firm's total revenue and all costs, including normal profit. In both instances economic profit is the return to an entrepreneur or a group of entrepreneurs. Economic profit is thus contrasted with economic interest which is the return to an owner of capital stock or money or bonds (wikipedia)
Lets discuss the definitions now...